Men in Gorilla Suits

Weird Al Yankovic and Stephen Colbert - Ed. 264: Last Seen...Talking about Parody and Satire.

Gorilla Christopher initially thought about opening Photoshop and adding your favorite podcasters' faces to images of celebrities known for parody and satire. But swapping faces with Weird Al looked like Christopher because he's apparently hair twins with the world's favorite accordion player. So that idea was scrapped.

And yes, obviously -- this week's topic: Parody and Satire.

* * *

We begin by talking about the first parody or satire we remember -- and then leap to the best work of satire in literature and film. After that, we discuss the funniest -- and worst -- works of parody we've come across.

Find out our preferences: parody or satire. (Or do we like each equally?) Also, we tell you where we stand on parody and comedic music in general.

If you've ever wondered if either of us have attempted to write satire or parody, this is your moment! And with the current climate ripe for satire, we talk about where to find it.

And, of course, we wrap it up looking toward the future, asking what parody and satire will be like in the years to come.

Direct download: migs264.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 8:56am CDT

I am so, so extremely sorry.

Please try to remain courageous in the face of this abomination, this second episode of Men in Gorilla Suits.

Actually, I haven't listened yet. It might be great.

Spoiler alert: It isn't.

Direct download: migs02_classic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:07pm CDT

Christopher and Shawn Obama-like HOPE poster.

Gorilla Christopher hoped to have this episode online yesterday, but he was tired and decided a busy week merited sleep, instead.

Here's what the gorillamen are talking about this week:

  • What is the first thing you remember hoping for?
  • What is your latest hope?
  • What does hope mean to you?
  • How important is hope to human existence?
  • Share a story of hope. (Could be yours, another person's, or even a universal hope of some sort).
  • Is hope a strong motivator in your life?
  • Is all hope inherently good?
  • Have you ever hoped for something bad?
  • Can hoping too much have a negative effect on a person?
  • When your hopes are not met, how do you react?
  • Obama won, in part, on a message of hope after what was seen as a dark time for the U.S. Is hope enough to win in 2020?
  • What is your hope for the future?

Direct download: migs263.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:33am CDT

OOOH, look at me, I'm not working 97 hours a week!


Direct download: migs127_classic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:38pm CDT

Lightning strike. Last Seen...Talking about the Weather.

It is currently 53 degrees with mostly clear skies in the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex. Weekend lows will be in the 30s, with afternoon temperatures reaching 60 by Sunday afternoon. A perfect weekend for getting out and about!

This week, we're talking about the weather...specifically:

  • What’s the first weather event you remember?
  • What’s your ideal weather situation?
  • What’s the most extreme weather situation you’ve lived through?
  • What’s the scariest type of weather on the planet?
  • What’s the worst type of weather, in your opinion?
  • Is climate change a thing?
  • Is weather a consideration in where you choose to live, or not to live as the case might be?
  • Are you a weather-centric person? Does it affect your moods?
  • What’s the future of weather on this planet?

Direct download: migs262.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 11:41am CDT

Y'all know me. You know how I make a living. I'll find your mess for you, but it ain't gonna be easy. Bad mess. Not like goin' down to the basement and chasin' tax returns and odd socks. No movin’, no organizin’, down you go. And we gotta do it quick, that’ll bring back your family, put all your surfaces on a cleanin’ basis. But it’s not gonna be pleasant. I value my neck a lot more than three thousand bucks, chief. 

Direct download: migs94_classic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:25pm CDT

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A busy week, here, so let's just get straight to what we talk about this week...when we talk about consideration:

  • When did you first realize that consideration is a thing?
  • Was being considerate a thing stressed in your family. That is, were you taught to be considerate?
  • Have you ever worked in a job where consideration was highly important?
  • What about jobs where consideration wasn't important? (And if so, how did the job differ from those more geared toward serving others?)
  • Who is the most considerate person you know?
  • Who is the least considerate person you know?
  • Can someone be TOO considerate?
  • Share a story of considerate Shawn, and I'll share one about considerate Christopher.
  • Share a story about inconsiderate Shawn, and I'll share one about inconsiderate Christopher.
  • Are we less considerate as a society than we once were?
  • Do you think the current administration in the United States has affected consideration?
  • Do you think we will get more (or less considerate) in the future?

Direct download: migs261.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 11:54am CDT

Ho ho ho, and happy birthday! It's Hanukkah-time in Gift City, so stock up for Administrative Professionals' Day! What? You didn't get the biggest teddy bear on the planet for your loved on on Valentine's Day? What kind of monster are you?! You better be ready for deep mattress price reductions come Labor Day. Shop, shop, shop...why, just since beginning to type this, marketers have created three new holidays that come with an expectation of gift-giving.

Guess what the Gorillamen are talking about this week? It's our gift to you...

* * *

We begin with the first gifts we ever received...and the first gifts we ever gave. After that, find out if we like receiving gifts -- and if we're good at giving gifts.

We spend a moment wondering if there are too many gift-giving holidays in the U.S. before discussing the go-to gifts or methods we use when having to buy gifts for people we don't know very well.

And then we talk about all this:

  • What’s the best gift you’ve ever gotten?
  • The most useful?
  • What’s the best gift you’ve ever given someone?
  • The worst you’ve received?
  • The worst you’ve given?

Direct download: migs260.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 8:51am CDT

Hey, man. We get it. Sometimes the world feels like staring at a wall. Maybe this'll help you be less bored for an hour.

Direct download: migs169_classic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:38pm CDT

Stacked rifles - Last Seen...Talking About WeaponsWhether we like it or not, weapons shaped human life on the planet. Today, they are big business. At least in the United States, we see weapons from the start: in movies, cartoons, and even in stores.

So the Gorillamen decided to pull up a couple chairs and talk about weapons this week.

* * *

We begin with the first weapons we remember...and the weapons we regularly feared as children.

After that, find out if we own any weapons -- and our favorite (and coolest) weapons we've ever used.

Because we're geeks, we dedicate some time to the best (and worst) fictional weapons...and then get serious when we discuss the weapon that most frightens us.

We talk about where we stand on gun control and American's fascination with weaponry. We also chat about what it says about a society that spends so much on weapons...and then wrap it all up with the future of weaponry.

Direct download: migs259.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 10:01am CDT