Men in Gorilla Suits (pop culture)
Men in Gorilla Suits Ep. 183: Last Seen…Appropriating Cultures
Guy in a cheap green St. Patrick costume - Men in Gorilla Suits Ep. 183: Last Seen…Appropriating Cultures
Image: Mike King -

Few things say "cultural appropriation" like a thin, white model -- barely dressed -- and wearing a warbonnet on her head. At the same time, there are so many things from other cultures people don't think twice about in America. Some will argue that appropriation of any kind is terrible; others claim it's bound to happen in a place where many people come together...that it can even help others come to understand what they may have once feared.

Cultural Appropriation is the topic of this week's episode of Men in Gorilla Suits.

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We begin with whether or not we identify as white -- and what it means to be a white guy in America. After that, we talk about whether or not we identify as American -- and what that means to us. Next, we chat about whether or not we fit wholly within what most consider a white, male American...or if we've borrowed traits and ideas from other races and cultures.

We discuss the first thing we remember admiring about a different culture -- and whether or not we attempted to appropriate what we admired into our lives.

We've all appropriated something from other races and cultures...find out what we've brought into our lives and why we chose to focus on those things. (As always, it's mostly about all kinds of food with us!)

Using a scale of 1 - 100, we talk about how much we think we've personally been influenced by other well as how much Americans in general have been influenced by others.

For some, cultural appropriation is much more than simply cooking a meal originating elsewhere in the world. We chat about extreme example of cultural appropriation, and then jump to the best -- and silliest -- uses of cultural appropriation we've seen.

Near the end of the episode, we discuss the one idea or concept from another culture we would like to see adopted in America, and then wrap it all up with this: In the future, do we think cultures will borrow from each other more or less?

Direct download: migs183.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 10:32am CDT

Men in Gorilla Suits Ep. 182: Last Seen…Playing Board Games

"Men In Gorilla Suits" spelled out on Scrabble tiles - Men in Gorilla Suits Ep. 182: Last Seen…Playing Board GamesThere are many things in life where strategy and luck come together, but few things living up to that description are as loved as board games.

In ancient times all the way up to right now; played in the dirt or on special tables made for board games -- humans love board games...and the Gorillamen are no different. In fact, this is one of those episodes that made us think, "It took us this long to get to this topic?"

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We begin by going back in time and kicking it all off talking about the first board games we remember. After that, we discuss our favorite board games back then -- and if we still play board games with any regularity today.

Find out what the last board game we've each played was...and why we think board games have such a huge appeal.

We run through lists of our favorite board games, and then dedicate a bit of time to what a Men in Gorilla Suits board game might be like.

Is there a certain kind of mind that's most appealed to playing -- and even making -- board games? And do we see a difference between board games, war games, and table top role playing games - or are they all the same to us?

We chat about our favorite board game memories (Christopher made a grown man cry) and how technology has influenced modern board games...before wrapping it all up by talking about the future of board games.

Do not pass go or collect $200 until leaving a comment about your favorite board games below.

Direct download: migs182.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 1:13pm CDT

Men in Gorilla Suits Ep. 181: Last Seen…Reveling in Chaos
astro photo by Tom Wideman - Men in Gorilla Suits Ep. 181: Last Seen…Embracing in Chaos
Photo by the mighty Tom Wideman!

Ask most people if their life is chaotic, and they will say "Oh hell yes!"

There's rushing about for work, taking the kids to 20 different kinds of practices, errands, working around the house, and hours of Candy Crush while watching a myriad TV shows. Teenagers will talk about how much school work they have (and they do!) well as the pressure to pick their life path before even experiencing what will become most of their lives. Millennials will talk about how busy they are trying to balance work and life. And we two Gorillamen will talk about chaos in a much different manner.

For us, chaos is an unpredictable system in which certain patterns often emerge. It is not something to be feared, but surfed!

So this week, we talk about all facets of chaos: how for many it's a hectic thing, how it can destroy us all, and even how it's beautiful when viewed a certain way...

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We kick it all off discussing if the universe tends toward chaos or order -- and then jump to which we tend toward in our own lives.

Life can be chaotic. We talk about whether or not it bothers us when our lives are chaotic...and who we know who has the most chaotic life -- and the most ordered.

We get all trippy for a moment and ask if reality is subjective or objective. Sticking to that kind of thinking, we move on to whether or not one's mental attitude can affect the world around them.

Getting back to ourselves, we reveal if we can alter our perceptions and points of view easily. After that, we ask if it's possible to modify reality.

Then we devote some time to the big point of the episode: is there order in chaos? Also: whether or not chaos can be a good thing.

And we wrap it all up talking about the most chaotic our lives have ever been.

As always, we'd love to hear your thoughts about this week's topic in the comments.

Direct download: migs181.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 7:45am CDT

Men in Gorilla Suits Ep. 180: Last Seen…Talking about Millennials

A Millennial on her phone - Men in Gorilla Suits Ep. 180: Last Seen…Talking about MillennialsEverywhere you turn, lazy Millennials are taking their parents to job interviews, watching their YouTubes, mainlining text messages like junkies, and using slang the rest of us don't understand.

How could such a self-centered, good-for-nothing generation come into existence when their Baby Boomer grandparents and Gen-X parents are so damn flawless? that all bullshit? Could Millennials be doing well, all things considered, with what they're being handed? Could it be they are more likely to not care if a black guy is dating a white girl or -- GASP -- if two guys want to marry? Could it be that much of their negative press isn't wholly true; that maybe they write articles about themselves in defense of Gramps in a Crosby, Stills, and Nash t-shirt shaking his cane on his front lawn while his Nirvana-wearing T-shirt son (Bleach t-shirt, at that; you know, to prove they were fans before Nevermind, even though they weren't) throws Pabst Blue Ribbon cans of irony at a 24-year-old passer-by just wanting to pay off her student loans?

Or...could it be something somewhere in between (but probably skewed toward bitter Boomers and jealous Gen-Xers just being grumpy before their time)?

Step into your safe place and listen to this week's episode of Men in Gorilla Suits!

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We cut right to it at the start and talk about how many Baby Boomers (and Gen Xers to a degree), say Millennials are lazy and financially irresponsible. But is there truth to that? After that we discuss our personal experiences -- good and bad -- with Millennials at work.

We devote some time to the traits we believe Millennials have over those before them...and also where they may be a bit lacking than previous generations.

But one thing is certain: Millennials are cowards compared to Baby Boomers and Gen-Xers, right? We destroy that bit of stupid before jumping to why we think Boomers and Gen-Xers have such an issue with Millennials.

Some evidence points to Millennials not being as entrepreneurial as the generations before them. Find out if we think that's true and, if we do, why we think that might be. (And maybe point out that many Boomers and Gen-Xers don't quite get that ways of making money on one's own no longer relies solely on starting a traditional company.)

Next, we get a bit specific, talking about our generation (Gen-X). Are we just jealous that Millennials got more attention and opportunities in their early 20s, while we were handed nothing much at all? (And, if so, doesn't that make us the whinier generation complaining about the generation we spawned?)

You can probably guess by reading this far that we don't have issues with might even say we like them. But...would we want to be a Millennial -- or continue clutching our Dinosaur Jr. CDs and remain Gen-X? (Somewhere in a dark bar outside of Seattle, two 45-year olds are drinking Rainier Beer while arguing about who's better: Mudhoney or Tad! They leave when an old guy drinking a Busch shouts, "I'm sleeping with the ghost of Janis Joplin!" and poops his Depends.)

As positive as we are about Millennials, we do wonder how they will react when Generation Z comes into their own and gets the limelight. We talk about that a bit before moving on to whether or not the so-called "Millennial [distracted] Mind" is real or not. (Hint: Christopher knows 70-year-olds who can't get through an in-person conversation without playing Words With Friends.)

And we close it all out with this: will there be a day a Millennial in a Lorde t-shirt shakes her fist at a GenZer while shouting, "Get off my lawn, ya punk!" (i.e. that Millennials will one day become critical and bitter)?

(If so, we'd still call that progress over sad old men getting riled up about things that really don't matter...)

Be like an old person and leave a comment, 'cause we're afraid of the Snapchats and the Bemes.

Direct download: migs180.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 7:46pm CDT

Men in Gorilla Suits Ep. 179: Last Seen…Being Responsible

Man tightening his tie - Men in Gorilla Suits Ep. 179: Last Seen…Being ResponsibleFor many of us it came with chores. Others, with school. Later, it carried over to our first jobs...and then when we found ourselves out on our own.


What is seen as responsible to some is seen as taking on too much for others. In turn, some people look at a person making riches surfing or skateboarding and claim that person isn't responsible...because they aren't in an office job with standing. (Perhaps that's just jealousy that someone figured out a way to make millions doing what they love, while most people are stuck in jobs they'd not do were they independently wealthy.)

What constitutes responsibility is an interesting thing, so that's the topic for this week's episode of Men in Gorilla Suits.

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We begin by talking about our first responsibilities and then move on to when we actually became aware of this thing called responsibility.

Find out if we actively seek out responsibilities today...and if we consider ourselves responsible people. After that, we chat about whether or not we currently have a lot of responsibilities.

We devote some time to discussing the times in our lives when we were the least responsible -- and the most! Sticking to that thought, we get more specific and talk about the least responsible thing we've ever well as the most.

Perception can be a strange thing. We wrap up this episode discussing whether we think people see us as responsible adults or overgrown children...and whether or not those two things are mutually exclusive.

Feel free to do the responsible thing and leave a comment about this episode.

Direct download: migs179.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 7:41pm CDT

Men in Gorilla Suits Ep. 178: Last Seen…Performing

Cheesy Photoshop art of Christopher and Shawn dancing - Men in Gorilla Suits Ep. 178: Last Seen…PerformingIf we say, "What do you think of when you think about performers?" you probably think of an actor, musicians, or maybe even [God forbid] a clown or mime. But chances are you spent your day around performers: people holding back what they really want to say or that guy at work who honestly thinks his desperate attempts to suck up to managers isn't recognized as the corporate version of jazz hands that it is!

We all perform...whether it's looking out over the audience from a stage and overacting in the hope that your father will see in what you do the same thing you do, or saying to your kids, "This breakfast you made is yummy," when it tastes like Play-Doh and cat urine. (Hint: you probably just ate Play-Doh and cat urine.)

Performing of all sorts is the topic this week, so step into the spotlight and claim your 15 minutes!

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We kick it off talking about the first performance we remember actually impressing us, and then talk about performing before others we've done.

Find out if we believe live performances are better than other kinds of performances -- as well as the worst performances we've ever seen. After that, we chat about the last thing we did that we consider performing.

Enough theater and movies -- we jump to talking about work...specifically, what role performing plays when we're at our day jobs. From there, we move on to the role performing plays on social media.

While it's evident that many people take up performing as a desperate attempt at getting attention, are all performers inherently seeking acceptance and attention? And does performing (as entertainment or even at work) inherently mean one is being fake?

We list some of our favorite performers and then chat about how the Internet has changed performing in recent years.

We wrap it all up by talking about what the future holds for performing.

For an encore: wave those jazz hands loud and proud and leave an interpretive dance in the comments.

Direct download: migs178.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 9:33pm CDT

Men in Gorilla Suits Ep. 177: Last Seen…Being Manly

Axe in a log - Men in Gorilla Suits Ep. 177: Last Seen…Being Manly"I remember it as though it were yesterday: the first time I wiped my butt with a log. It was after I beat up 12 men in a drunken brawl and zipped off with a bunch of strippers in the old Pontiac GTO I restored with my bare hands. Did I ever tell you about that time I punched a moose so hard in the head that it went mad and destroyed a lumber camp? Those bark-skinned pussies didn't know what hit them! But it was out in those woods, living off the land, when a log was all I had at my disposal. You know what it's like when you eat nothing buy protein 'cause yer in the gym all day, pumpin' iron and getting all swole for your next big fight. You may as well be shitting steel girders! Or maybe you don't know, 'cause yer not a real man like me..."

What it is to be "manly" varies over the years and depends who you ask. Some would say there's not even a need for manliness in modern society. It's an interesting enough topic -- what it is to be "manly" -- that we decided to dedicate this week's episode to "manliness."

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We kick it off by defining what manliness means to us -- and then talk about when the concept of "being a man" was introduced to us.

We chat about the most stereotypical manly things we've ever well as the least manly things.

Most males are taught by their fathers what it is to be masculine. Find out if manliness was important to our fathers when we were kids...for themselves (and for us).

Also find out if we consider ourselves manly...and what someone wanting to be more manly would have to do to achieve our version of the concept.

After that, we discuss whether or not the concept of manliness is old fashioned...and if it should become obsolete.

We also talk about if traditionally defined manliness is useful...or if it's actually damaging.

And we wrap it all up with what it will mean in the future to be "manly."

So grit your teeth and let us know what you think about manliness in the comments.

Direct download: migs177.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 10:16am CDT

Men in Gorilla Suits Ep. 176: Last Seen…In Restaurants

Man behind the counter in a restaurant - Men in Gorilla Suits Ep. 176: Last Seen…In RestaurantsMore Americans than not ate at a restaurant this week; in some cases, multiple times.

People begin their day with a stop for coffee and a bite to eat. At lunch, we head out with coworkers to get away from work (and often, depending on the group, talk about work while eating...for the record, we hate those kinds of lunches). Dinners out with family and friends -- it's easier than cooking, after all...or at least it feels that way at the end of a long day when you don't want yet another list of tasks to contend with.

It's just not Americans -- all around the world, from cities to even rural areas, people make a living cooking for others. Because we're fans of restaurants (and have even worked in them), we decided to chat about eating away from home on this week's show.

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We begin with the very first restaurant we remember and then move on to how frequently we went out to eat with family when young -- and today.

We talk about working in restaurants, and then share our favorite local restaurants -- as well as our favorite restaurants anywhere.

Celebrity chefs are big draws, and their restaurants further bolster their coffers. Find out what we think about them. And while on the subject of chefs, there was a time when culinary school was almost deemed just one mere step above prison, but now it's seen as an admirable pursuit. We talk about why we think views have changed over the years.

We share whether or not we prefer fancy restaurants to dives -- and why. Also find out the most expensive meal we've paid for (and even the most expensive meal on someone else's dime).

We close out this week's show chatting about why there are so many restaurants -- and if there's a limit to how many places we can build in honor of food.

We'd love to hear your thoughts about this week's show in the comments.

Direct download: migs176.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 12:14am CDT

Men in Gorilla Suits Ep. 175: Last Seen…Talking about Holidays

Pumpkin - Men in Gorilla Suits Ep. 175: Last Seen…Talking about HolidaysChristopher is currently sick, so all you get this week is a notice that he's sick and our runsheet. (Cheerier show notes next week.)

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What is the first holiday you remember celebrating?

What was the "big" holiday in your household growing up?

What's your favorite holiday now?

What was your favorite holiday as a kid?

What's the stupidest federally recognized holiday?

What's the stupidest non-recognized holiday?

What isn't a holiday that should be?

Why do you think there are so many holidays?

What holiday do you think Americans should co-opt from another country/culture?

Whose birth or death should be a national holiday?

What do you like most about holidays?

What do you dislike?

Direct download: migs175.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 10:32pm CDT

Men in Gorilla Suits Ep. 174: Last Seen…In Trouble

Trouble button - Men in Gorilla Suits Ep. 174: Last Seen…In TroubleOn Memorial Day, Christopher saw a couple cop cars behind a truck with a couple kayaks in the back. Christopher was going to buy beer, a substance that has led to more than a few fights in the drink's history. On the way back, the cops were searching the vehicle.

It's not right to stereotype people, but Christopher guessed that maybe they had a little marijuana on them...a substance that has not contributed to nearly as much violence over the years as alcohol.

And yet, the dudes with the kayaks were in trouble from the looks of things. (This point made very well with this video by The Streets)

Trouble is a strange concept to us, so we decided to devote an episode to it. We hope you like it, but if you don't -- worry not're not in any trouble...

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We begin by discussing the first trouble we remember getting into, and move quickly to the last bit of trouble that came our way (as well as the worst trouble we've ever been in).

Next, we get a bit more philosophical and ask if getting in trouble can ever serve a purpose. We also chat about the appeal of getting in trouble.

Find out the who the biggest troublemakers we've ever known are -- and what activity right now gets people in trouble that we don't think should be a big deal. (Hint: If legalized, we'd still not smoke it.)

We discuss whether or not rules and laws prevent trouble...and whether or not society deals with troublemakers well (or generally treat them terribly).

What is it about troublemakers some people are attracted to -- and at what point do troublemakers cross the line for us? Find out right before we end this week's show by asking if we think people will get into more or less trouble in the future.

You won't get in trouble for not leaving a comment, but we'll definitely be happy if you choose to share your thoughts about trouble or this episode.

Direct download: migs174.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 7:11pm CDT