Men in Gorilla Suits
Men in Gorilla Suits Ep. 188: Last Seen…Being Atheists

Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) - Men in Gorilla Suits Ep. 188: Last Seen…Being AtheistsGod damned atheists! Always being all up in our faces with, "There is no God!" while vaping and brushing dandruff off their trilbies (or is it trilbys?)...another reason to hate those neck-bearded mouthbreathers!

Amazing Atheist
Is This Really The Best We Can Do?!
(We pray to the gods we don't believe in to give us something better...)

Here's the thing: atheists are all least it seems that way if you go online to look for them, where -- sadly -- many people are first exposed to atheism. (And where, if we're being honest, even good people of all types often come across as assholes.)

It's almost akin to being introduced to Christianity by a hell-and-brimstone, neo-conservative Baptist shit-storm of a church.'s almost like NO group of zealots have a lock on absolute asshat-ery!

But here's the real thing: atheists aren't all assholes. Religious people aren't all bad guys (even those hated Muslims, although it can be hard to convince Christian and atheist zealots of's almost like they do have something in common after all!). Sure, the Gorillamen may not get how otherwise rational individuals can believe in absolute constructs, but we're not willing to say all religious people are ignorant assholes wandering the world fueled by little more than their brain stems.

This week, a life-long atheist and his buddy talk about...ATHEISM!!!

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We kick it off talking about when we first became aware of these things called atheists. Then we jump to the following:

  • Do you consider yourself an atheist?
  • What is an atheist to you?

After that, we leap to the new atheist stereotype: neck-bearded, trilby-wearing, vaping mouth-breathers (with a dash of misogyny). Is that accurate or not?

Find out what effect the Internet has had on well as if the Internet meme linking atheists to Hitler, Stalin, and Mao bears any weight.

Without religious rules to guide them, how can atheists have morals?

Then we chat about the downsides of being an atheist.

Lately, there's been a rise in people identifying as non-believers -- and even out-right atheists. Find out what we think has contributed to that rise (aside from the Internet), and then find out who are favorite famous atheists are.

We go a little deeper and discuss whether or not one can find beauty in existence through atheism (and how)...and we wrap it all up by talking about the future of atheism.

At least one of us has been pinned down and assaulted for not believing in any gods, so do any damage you please in the comments below.

Direct download: migs188.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 10:04pm CDT