Men in Gorilla Suits

We here at Men in Gorilla Suits are looking for 25 self-motivated people to join our team! Get in on the ground floor and make as much -- or as little -- money as you'd like. Great opportunity for stay-at-home moms or anyone wanting a side hustle that will break them free from the bonds of their 9-to-5 day jobs. Set your own hours -- be your own boss! We'll be visiting your airport Marriott soon, so sign up now!

This week, we're talking about multi-level marketing schemes. (Oh, wait...we're calling it "network marketing" these days...)

Here's what we discuss:

  • What’s the first pyramid scheme you ever heard of?
  • The first one you experienced?
  • Has anyone ever tried to get you into an MLM/pyramid scheme?
  • Have you ever fallen for one in any way, including buying the products?
  • Why do people fall for pyramid schemes and MLMs?
  • Should MLMs be illegal?
  • Are all MLMs bad?
  • Are there any good MLM products?
  • What’s the worst MLM you’ve ever heard of or experienced?
  • What’s the future of pyramid schemes/MLMs?

Direct download: migs290.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 9:34pm CDT