Men in Gorilla Suits

This week, we're talking about the most fun you can have staring at a dead body: funerals!

(Well, most fun for most of us...the Gorillamen do not want to think of what would do it for many others...)

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  • What is the first funeral you remember?
  • What do you see as the role of funerals in society?
  • How much do you think social norms factor into funerals?
  • Have you seen any breaks from traditional mores where funerals are involved? Any changes you’d like to see?
  • Have you ever had to arrange or help in some way with a funeral? What did you think?
  • What are your thoughts about the funeral industry?
  • When you die, do you want a funeral? If so, what would you like?
  • What’s the best funeral you ever attended?
  • What’s the worst funeral you ever attended?
  • What is your favorite movie, book, or song about funerals?
  • If you could attend any funeral in history, which one would you attend?
  • What is the future of funerals?

Direct download: migs285.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 8:40am CDT