Men in Gorilla Suits

Could probably just drop the lyrics to Fugazi's "Merchandise" here and call it a wrap...

This week, it's all about capitalism:

  • When were you first aware that things cost money?
  • When were you first introduced to the idea of an economy?
  • What’s the first major purchase you remember someone making?
  • What’s the first major purchase you made on your own?
  • How do your major and minor purchases affect society?
  • Is our current system of capitalism different to the one you remember from 20-30 years ago?
  • Is capitalism a good way to run a society?
  • Is an economy more important than the people in that society?
  • How would you change our current system of capitalism, if at all?
  • Is there a better system already out there? Or do we need something new to replace capitalism?
  • What’s the future of (American) capitalism?

Direct download: migs296.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 8:56am CDT