Men in Gorilla Suits (pop culture)

The Gorillamen asked ChatGPT to write the intro to this episode about artificial intelligence...

"Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the field of computer science and engineering that deals with creating intelligent machines that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation. AI involves the development of algorithms and computer programs that can learn from data and experiences, and adapt and improve their performance over time. AI techniques include machine learning, natural language processing, deep learning, computer vision, and robotics, among others. AI has the potential to revolutionize many areas of our lives, including healthcare, education, transportation, and entertainment, among others. However, as with any technology, AI also raises ethical and societal concerns, such as job displacement, bias, privacy, and safety."

To find out where we stand, give this episode a listen!

  • What is your first memory of artificial intelligence?
  • Have you used any AI technology?
  • Do you have any qualms or reservations about AI technology? If so, what?
  • What's your opinion on AI programs that generate fiction and art?
  • Would you ever appreciate AI art (visual art, books, movies, or other things) in the same way you appreciate what humans make?
  • What's the coolest use for AI technology you've heard about?
  • Do you think people are overhyping AI technology or being overly critical of it?
  • In what ways do you think AI will change the way we live?
  • Do you trust AI technology?
  • How long do you think it will be before we see AI replacing white-collar workers?
  • If you could create an AI, what would it be and why?
  • What is the future of artificial intelligence?

Direct download: migs347.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 9:23pm CDT

We've discussed control before, but it's fun revisiting a topic (and throwing in some new points of discussion).

Here's what was discussed:

  • What is the first time you realized someone was trying to exert control over you?
  • Have you ever tried to control anyone else?
  • Why do people feel the need to control others?
  • What systems of control are obvious?
  • Which ones are less obvious?
  • Who has control over you? To what extent?
  • How do we free ourselves of outside control? Can we even do that?
  • What’s the most insidious system of control?
  • What is the future of control?

Direct download: migs346.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 10:54am CDT

Pull up a stump and gather round, for I will speak to you now about the Gorillamen...

Some say they escaped...wherever it is they once were. Sightings are frequent: in the beginning, weekly. In time, they were seen and heard every other week. Now, they sometimes have a couple sightings a month, but at times we all wonder if they will ever come back.

They always do...

Somewhere it is written that the Gorillamen met while working for a large finance company, two apes-made-good writing mortgage procedures to [hopefully] prevent unfair practices. It is not likely their work changed much, but it was clearly meant to be...because on February 7, 2013, they crowded around a microphone not-at-all suited for podcasting and...they started a podcast anyway!

Now, ten years later, they are still on the run; still being sighted; and sometimes...even heard spreading their own ape-branded philosophy and humor at least they find funny.

To say they are another two-guys-with-microphones podcast is true, but it is also false. Over the years, sure...they have wandered off topic, but they are apes speaking with purpose, too. They have talked about some of the dumbest things during the last decade, but they have talked about important things, too. Sometimes they get things wrong, and maybe that's the beauty of the show: they have talked enough that you can see they are on the right side of history -- never afraid of admitting when one of their takes on an issue was off.

Apes striving to be better...

If nothing else, they did what they set out to do: start a podcast when no one else they knew was willing to give it a go.

And if you listen to the wind just right, you'll hear their frequency echo like a voice whispering, "Chill the fuck out...and make the damn thing..."

Here's what they talk about this time around...

  • What's your first memory of Men in Gorilla Suits?
  • Aside from starting Men in Gorilla Suits, what else was going on in your life ten years ago?
  • Has Men in Gorilla Suits opened any doors for you in the last ten years?
  • What's the best thing that happened in your last ten years?
  • What's the worst thing that happened in your last ten years?
  • What are you most proud of doing in the last ten years?
  • What do you wish you had done differently in the last ten years?
  • Let's not keep focusing on the past ten years: what do you feel was the most formidable decade in your life?
  • What was your favorite decade in your life?
  • What was the worst decade in your life?
  • If you could live through any point in history for 10 years (with a guarantee you’d survive), what would it be?
  • Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Direct download: migs345.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 11:28pm CDT

Pew Pew Pew!!! "You'll never take mah gunz, Mistah Gov'mint!!!" Pew Pew Pew!!!

Other gun owners aren't that ridiculous.

This time around, we talk about them both as...we talk about guns.


  • What was your first experience with guns?
  • Have you ever fired a gun? 
  • Do you own a gun? Why or why not?
  • Have you ever, or would you ever? Under what circumstances?
  • Is America obsessed with guns?
  • What’s the worst gun-culture thing you’ve seen?
  • Is American gun policy good? Does it do enough?
  • Do you think people should be able to own guns?
  • What the future of guns?

Direct download: migs344.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 9:41am CDT

If you've ever been around sports, loved an entertainment franchise, or been on the Internet, you've likely seen toxic fans.

This time around, the Gorillamen talk about toxic fandom -- specifically:

  • When did you first become aware of toxic fandom?
  • Fans of things have always been opinionated—some, even toxic. What do you think has contributed to the rise in toxic fandom?
  • Why do you think some fans of things are toxic?
  • Have you ever been a toxic fan of something?
  • What do you think is the most toxic of all fandoms?
  • What are some of your own experiences of dealing with toxic fandom?
  • Has toxic fandom taken the edge off of something you’ve enjoyed?
  • We’re mostly talking about pop culture, but what are some other things where you see toxic fans?
  • What affect (if any) do you feel toxic fandom has had on industries…or even society?
  • How do you avoid toxic fans of things?
  • What is the future of toxic fandom?

Direct download: migs343.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 8:37pm CDT's been a while...

Months in fact...

But we're back!

If you want to find out what we did during our hiatus, here's a peek at what's discussed on this, our return episode!

* * *

  • The last "normal" episode we put out was May 21. What was going on in your life in late spring/early summer?
  • What bad things happened on our break?
  • This is the first time we've put the show on hiatus. What were your feelings around that?
  • What good things happened for you during our break?
  • Did you learn anything new or cool?
  • What new obsessions have you developed (books, films, etc)?
  • Do you feel like you changed at all in the four or so months we didn't record?
  • What's the future of Men in Gorilla Suits?

Direct download: migs342.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 9:14pm CDT

So...finally...the lost episode. Gorilla Christopher apologizes for losing his side of the original recording and then...all the wackiness that followed. But...he re-recorded his side of the show and pieced it all together.

It's more to the point because to match up cross-talk would have taken a lot of time. So it's pretty much, "Hey: here's a question!" and then Gorilla Shawn's answer and then Gorilla Christopher.

Here's what was discussed:

  • When did you first start contemplating things? (And what did you contemplate?)
  • How important is contemplation to you? (And why?)
  • How important do you feel contemplation is to a society? (And why?)
  • What is the last bigger thing you contemplated?
  • How has contemplation made your life better?
  • Is there a downside to being contemplative?
  • Are we very contemplative in the U.S.?
  • Is it better to be contemplative or active?
  • What’s the strangest thing you’ve contemplated?
  • For someone wanting to be more contemplative, what advice would you give them?
  • What is the future of contemplation?

Direct download: migs341.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 10:48pm CDT's been a while. We're still alive and still doing our things...we just haven't been recording Men in Gorilla Suits.

The quick version is: Chris lost his side of a recording, we both got sick, and this summer in Texas has really sucked. But if you want to know more, you can listen to Gorilla Christopher's husky COVID voice for five minutes as he catches listeners up on the Gorilla Men's whereabouts...

* * *

Gorilla Photo: Valentin Jorel.

Direct download: migslate.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 7:28am CDT

So...uhm...Gorilla Christopher was all set up to record, but...he didn't set up his MacBook audio settings to look for his audio interface and microphone. So...the laptop mic picked up sound, meaning...Christopher's sound is pretty shoddy this episode.'s kinda fitting. As the older Gen-X member of the GorillaMen, just pretend he's recording this episode from the late 80s/early 90s, totally hosed and sitting on the floor of a friends' apartment where he often crashed.

That said, this is what is discussed:

  • When’s the first time you heard of Generation X?
  • Do you consider yourself Gen X?
  • What is the range for Gen X?
  • What are the stereotypes about Gen X? Are they accurate?
  • Is Gen X “the forgotten generation?”
  • What’s the best part about Gen X?
  • What’s the worst part?
  • What concerns you as Generation X ages closer to retirement?
  • What was the great potential of Generation X? Did they fulfill it?
  • What should Gen x’s role be in society?
  • What’s the future of Generation X?

Direct download: migs340.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 8:01pm CDT

Left side of image: A gorilla head on a tan background. Text reads "Men in Gorilla Suits." Right side of image: A photo of syrup-covered French toast with blueberries and bananas. Text reads "Ep. 339: Last Seen...Eating Breakfast."

This time around, the Gorillamen talk about...breakfast. Specifically:

  • What is the first breakfast you specifically remember eating?
  • Do you regularly eat breakfast?
  • Do you believe breakfast is the most important meal of the day? Why or why not?
  • What is your favorite breakfast?
  • Do you have a daily go-to breakfast?
  • What is your all- time favorite breakfast experience?
  • What’s your favorite breakfast spot?
  • What do you feel is the appeal to going out for breakfast or brunch?
  • Did you (or do you) have a favorite breakfast cereal?
  • What is the weirdest breakfast you (or someone you know) has eaten?
  • What is the last breakfast you’ve eaten?
  • What is the future of breakfast?
Direct download: migs339.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 7:58pm CDT

We've talked about death and other things surrounding this topic, but never focused solely on the afterlife. Now we have...specifically, these points:

  • When was the first time you were introduced to the concept of the afterlife?
  • Which afterlife was it?
  • Do you believe in the afterlife? Why or why not?
  • Why do you think people take comfort in the idea of life after death?
  • Do you think that idea is comforting?
  • Have you ever had a near-death experience?
  • Which would be the best (fictional or religious, which you could argue are in the same category) afterlife?
  • The worst?
  • What do you think will happen after you die?
  • What’s the future of the afterlife?

And a shameless plug for a story Chris mentions in this episode: A Deathly Mistake.

Direct download: migs338.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 10:57am CDT

This time around, the Gorillamen discuss these finer points about processed foods:

  • What is the first processed food you remember eating?
  • What is the last processed food you've eaten?
  • What, to you, constitutes a processed food?
  • How easy is it to avoid processed foods?
  • Is there a time in your life when you noticed a boom in process foods? If so, what caused it?
  • How often do you eat processed foods?
  • What is your favorite processed food?
  • What is your least favorite processed food?
  • Are processed foods inherently unhealthy?
  • There seems to be a campaign where vegan processed food is concerned that it's unnatural and unhealthy. What are your thoughts on vegan processed foods?
  • What are some benefits of processed foods?
  • What is the future of processed foods?

Direct download: migs337.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 9:00am CDT

This time, it's all about U.S. drug policy:

  • When were you first exposed to the concept of illegal drugs?
  • How soon after that were you exposed to anti-drug messaging?
  • Was the War on Drugs a success in any way?
  • What do you think of America’s current policy dealing with illegal drugs?
  • Do you think employers should be able to drug test?
  • Should marijuana be legal?
  • What about “harder” drugs like meth or heroin?
  • What’s the ideal drug policy?
  • What’s the future of legal/illegal drugs?

* * *


Direct download: migs336b.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 9:06am CDT

Jim Croce wrote one of the best lines about the human struggle against time:

"But there never seems to be enough time
To do the things you want to do once you find them."

This time around, the Gorillamen talk about making time for the things they love...and how they deal with time spent doing things they'd rather not do. Specifically, these points:

  • When did you first encounter the concept of taking time with something?
  • In any given week, how hurried do you feel?
  • How important is taking time/claiming time to you (whether it's in the work you do or just chilling)?
  • What are your favorite things to do with the time you have?
  • In general, do you think people in the U.S. use their time well?
  • What role does work and technology play in how people in how we spend our time?
  • Is the concept of having free time a thing of the past?
  • Is having time a privilege?
  • What things would you add to your life if you had more time?
  • What media (songs, books, movies, TV, whatever) are good examples of taking one's time with something.
  • What is the future of taking time with things?

Direct download: migs335.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 12:12pm CDT

Come along if you dare as the Gorillamen go deep into a journey to the center of their minds...

They ponder these things:

  • When’s the first time you remember thinking about thinking?
  • When’s the first time you had a conversation with yourself?
  • What was the first thing you realized you needed to change based on introspection?
  • How much time do you spend in your own head?
  • Do you consider yourself to be an introspective person?
  • Do you ever take a deep dive into your own mind?
  • How often do you self-check?
  • Do you think we live in an introspective society?
  • What’s the future of introspection?

Direct download: migs334.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 2:54am CDT

From somber documentaries about the struggles of the wilds to, "Crikey! We're gonna wind up some animals for your viewing amusement, mate! Why's this cobra so mad...all I'm doing is dragging it around by its tail!" -- nature documentaries and programs are a viewing staple.

This time, the Gorillamen talk about them...specifically:

  • What's the first nature program you remember seeing?
  • How did--or even has--nature programing affected your life?
  • How important do you think nature programming is?
  • What are some of your favorite nature shows or movies (or books...whatever)?
  • Who is your favorite person involved in nature programming?
  • What's one nature show that doesn't exist that you'd love to see?
  • Have you encountered nature programming that skewed things in its favor to force a point? What was it?
  • How has the Internet affected nature programming?
  • All right...the Internet thing is a gimme. So, how has cable affected nature programming?
  • Have you ever signed up for a channel or service for its nature programming?
  • If Men in Gorilla Suits were to dedicate an episode to an animal or cause, what would you choose?
  • What is the future of nature programming?

Direct download: migs333.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 11:34am CDT

There is no better episode of Men in Gorilla Suits than this one!

This is the perfect episode...

We could stop now and call it quits...

But we are imperfect Gorillamen still chasing a thing that can never be captured.

And so...we talk about these things this time around...

  • What’s the first thing you heard described as perfect?
  • What was your first concept of perfection?
  • Did you ever strive for perfection when you were younger?
  • How about now?
  • Is there anything you do perfectly?
  • Anything you wish you could do perfectly?
  • Is our culture obsessed with perfection?
  • Do you believe perfection can be achieved?
  • Does anything in your life need to be perfect?
  • What the future of perfection?

Direct download: migs332.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 8:13pm CDT

Busy week for the Gorillamen, so we'll get right to it. This time around, we talk about self teaching...specifically:

  • When did you first learn about self-teaching?
  • What’s the first thing you taught yourself?
  • What are a few self-taught things you feel you do well?
  • Most self taught things are still shaped by books and other things. Is there something you've done that you truly taught yourself? (i.e. You did something new with no idea at all of how to do it?)
  • What are the advantages of being self-taught?
  • What are disadvantages of being self-taught?
  • Who are some of the coolest self-taught people you know?
  • How has the Internet changed being self-taught?
  • Is there still something to be said for traditional learning vs. self-taught learning?
  • Do you think the confidence that comes with being self-taught can lead to over confidence and not actually learning as much as someone who is taught more traditionally?
  • What would you tell someone who thinks they need to learn traditionally or who lacks the discipline to teach themselves something new?
  • What's the future of being self-taught?

Direct download: migs331.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 6:04am CDT

It's been a nutty couple years, and many people the Gorillamen have bumped into have had a rough time coping. Hell, even the Gorillamen have had their moments. And that's why, this time around, the discussion turns to...coping.

* * *

  • What’s the first time you heard what coping was?
  • What’s the first thing you had to cope with?
  • Are you good at coping?
  • What’s your coping strategy?
  • Do you think the world is harder to cope with than it used to be?
  • What’s the most efficient coping strategy you’ve seen?
  • The least?
  • What helps you cope with uncertain situations?
  • What’s the future of coping?

Direct download: migs330.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 2:52am CDT

It's that time of the winds drop from northern climes, bringing a crispness many waited for all year. Treetops glow in a blaze of colors; the smells of fires and sweet decay waft on breezes.

And, somewhere online, a mouth-breathing cretin cracks his knuckles and gets a little chubby in the groin at the thought of telling someone on Facebook that there is no pumpkin in pumpkin spice...despite most people knowing that.

This time, the Gorillamen talk about fall. Specifically:

  • What is your first memory of what we call in the U.S. fall?
  • Which do you prefer: "fall" or "autumn?"
  • Of the four seasons, where does fall rank for you?
  • What is your best fall memory?
  • Your worst?
  • Do you have any fall rituals?
  • Every year online, I see people excited about pumpkin spice season…and others raging against it. Where do you stand on pumpkin spice?
  • What media (movies, music, TV, etc.) do you associate with the season? (A list is fine—even preferred.)
  • Some people hate darker mornings and evenings…others like them. Where do you fall on autumn’s change in lighting?
  • Just how much do you like Halloween?
  • How about Thanksgiving?
  • What is the future of fall?

Direct download: migs329.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 8:54am CDT

One of the many cries of Gen-X: "Remember when MTV used to play videos?"

Music videos were made for Gen-X, and for years, cable stations (and even some network shows) catered to playing music videos. Videos changed the face of music in the 80s, but to hear some people talk, you'd think they are a long-gone thing.

With YouTube and other ways of sharing content, clearly that's not true. We can now watch the videos we remember with a simple Google search, and new videos pop up every day. (Hell, you can now make your own videos and put them out there as easy as a podcast...)

So...the Gorillamen finally sat down to talk about music videos...specifically:

  • What was the first music video you remember seeing?
  • What impression did that video have?
  • Did you watch a lot of music videos growing up?
  • Do you watch a lot of them now?
  • What was your first impression of MTV?
  • Of VH1?
  • What was the most non-mainstream way you watched music videos? (public access, late-night TV, etc)
  • What's the best music video of all time?
  • The worst?
  • The most insane?
  • How important were music videos to you when you were younger?
  • If you had to make a music video for any song, which song, and what would the video concept be?
  • Do you think music videos are important to the kids now?
  • What's the future of music videos?

Direct download: migs328.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 12:37pm CDT

The Gorillamen have talked about movies, but this time around, it's all about movie theaters. Specifically:

  • What is your first memory in a movie theater?
  • What was your best movie theater experience?
  • What was your worst movie theater experience?
  • What do you love about movie theaters?
  • What do you hate about movie theaters?
  • Do you prefer going to a movie theater or watching things at home?
  • I once heard someone say upscale movie theaters are ridiculous. What do you think about movie theaters where you can get food and drinks while kicked back in a massive chair?
  • What's the last movie you've seen in a theater?
  • What's your favorite movie theater concession?
  • Are you eager to return to watching movies in theaters after COVID hit, or are you done with theaters?
  • What other things do you think movie theaters can do to stay relevant in a time when many prefer their home theaters?
  • What is the future of movie theaters?

Direct download: migs327.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 11:17am CDT

A busy week after last week's busy week, but...the Gorillamen recorded a new episode.

This time around, it's all about vintage things...

  • What was the first thing you heard described as vintage?
  • What’s the first vintage thing you ever owned?
  • Do you like vintage stuff? Why/why not?
  • Why are people — especially younger people — obsessed with vintage stuff?
  • What’s the coolest vintage thing you’ve seen?
  • What's the lamest vintage thing you've seen?
  • Coolest vintage thing you own?
  • Cool vintage thing you wish you owned?
  • What things from today will be the vintage obsessions of future generations?

Direct download: migs326.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 10:55am CDT

Lots of life happened this week, so the new episode will come out next week. It's about vintage things, and it should be a lot of fun.

Direct download: migs-skip.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 3:15pm CDT

Do you follow recipes, or wing it and see what happens? Maybe you just love the look of cookbooks, with all those great photos. Some recipes are passed down for generations; others seem to come out of nowhere like a one-hit wonder and fade away. But it's clear that humans enjoy food...and the recipes that can make it even better...

The Gorillamen didn't even turn this one dark!

Here's what's discussed:

  • What's the first recipe you remember seeing?
  • How well do you follow recipes?
  • What's the best recipe you've ever followed?
  • What's the worst recipe you've ever followed?
  • What's the strangest recipe you've ever made?
  • Have you ever made your own recipes? If so: what?
  • What's the last recipe you followed?
  • Do you have any cherished family recipes?
  • Cookbooks…are you a fan? (If so, how many do you have?)
  • How has the Internet changed the ways we look at recipes and cookbooks?
  • What do you think about the blog story recipe, where someone goes on (and sometimes on and on) with a story before sharing the recipe?
  • What's the future of recipes?

Direct download: migs325.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 8:20am CDT

Sometimes, life happens.

That's a rather ridiculous statement when you think about it. Life is always happening. If you're asleep, things are still happening that affect your life. So let's start over.

Because Gorilla Shawn was recently traveling and is currently feeling a little under the weather...and because Gorilla Christopher is redoing his office right now, we're skipping the scheduled episode of Men in Gorilla Suits this week.

It will likely be released next week. (At the latest, in two weeks on the usual schedule.)

Until then, we hope you're all chilling the fuck out...and making the damn thing!

Direct download: nope3.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 11:25pm CDT

A busy week, and Gorilla Shawn is traveling, so we'll get right to the talking points of this episode about YouTube:

  • When did you first become aware of YouTube--and how did you stumble upon it?
  • What are some of the earliest things you remember seeing on YouTube?
  • What are some of the funniest things you've seen on YouTube.
  • What are some of the coolest things you've learned on YouTube.
  • Do you subscribe to any YouTube Channels? (If so, what are some of your favorite channels?)
  • Do YOU have a YouTube channel? (What's it like?)
  • What role do you think YouTube plays in politics (good, bad, or otherwise)?
  • Are there aspects of YouTube you find problematic? If so, what?
  • What do you think about YouTube when it comes to copyright? (i.e. movie clips, albums, and other things shared on the platform.)
  • What do you think about "YouTube Celebrities" and how much money some people make on the platform? Do you think they are comparable to other celebrities?
  • If there's one thing you could change or add to YouTube, what would it be?
  • What is the future of YouTube?

Direct download: migs323.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 1:28pm CDT

We're back...and happy.

Sure, much of the country seems to be in a blast furnace, but...after skipping a release week, we're sure you're happy to have a new episode of Men in Gorilla Suits in your earholes.

This time around, it's one of those subjects we can't believe we've not already discussed: happiness! Specifically:

  • What’s your first memory of something that made you happy?
  • What’s your happiest memory?
  • Do you think we actually have the right to the pursuit of happiness?
  • What does your pursuit of happiness look like?
  • Are you a happy person?
  • What’s something that keeps you from being happy?
  • What’s the happiest time in your life?
  • Do you think America is a happy country?
  • What’s the happiest place on earth?
  • What’s the future of happiness?

Direct download: migs322.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 1:57pm CDT

It was a crazy-busy week for Gorilla Shawn. His dad turned 70 this weekend, so Shawn went to Florida to surprise him. On top of that, he had to double up on his radio show, Metal DNA -- as well as taking care of some work stuff and a sick dog.

Instead of stressing about it, we decided to just skip an episode release week and catch back up on June 9...when the topic for discussion is happiness!

Direct download: may-2021.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 8:37am CDT

Hercules statue. Text: Men in Gorilla Suits over a gorilla head. Over Hercules: "Ep. 321: Last Seen...Talking About Mythology

It's been a busy week. No funny chat...just this, what we're talking about (Also, during a Skype freeze-up for Gorilla Christopher, Shawn sings most of "Sweet Caroline" bom bom...):

  • What is the first myth you remember?
  • Why do you think ancient myths endure?
  • Let's talk a moment about Medusa, Sirens, Lamia, Banshees, and Harpies. Why do you think so many mythological monsters are female?
  • What's the differences between mythological religions and faiths enduring today?
  • Do you think mythology can be dangerous?
  • Do you know of any myths based on truth?
  • Why do you think so many writers are into older myths?
  • If you were to create a mythology, what would it be like?
  • What is your favorite ancient myth?
  • What is your favorite modern or pop culture myth?
  • What is your least favorite myth [of any kind]?
  • What is the future of mythology?

Direct download: migs321.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 8:32pm CDT

It is rather funny that, despite having this episode about memories edited and ready to go, Gorilla Christopher forgot to get it online yesterday.

And since he is prepping for a long weekend in East Texas, this is all he's typing. Well, this...and what we talk about this episode:

  • What's your first memory?
  • Do you have a good memory?
  • How reliable is human memory?
  • What tricks or methods do you use to assist your memory?
  • What's your favorite memory from your life?
  • What memories of your own do you doubt?
  • What memories are you absolutely sure of?
  • What's the last thing you forgot? (If you remember that you forgot it)
  • What's the most mundane thing you remember?
  • Weirdest random thing lurking in your memory?
  • What's the future of memories?

Direct download: migs320.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 9:40am CDT

Episode art: Left side: Gorilla head on tan background with text: Men in Gorilla Suits. Right side: image of a man in a coat walking away down an icy, tree-lined road. Text: Ep. 319: Last Seen...Quitting Things

After 319 episodes, we have made the decision to...keep going with the podcast! Okay, so we didn't decide a thing...we do the show almost automatically, now. But since the episode is about quitting things (habits, jobs, and so much more), we of course must make the joke that it's all over.

It's not.

This is what we talk about this time around:

  • What’s one of the earliest things you remember quitting?
  • Have you ever quit a job suddenly? Why, and what happened?
  • Do you think people should quit their job and pursue their passions?
  • What is the biggest thing you quit?
  • At least in the United States, we seem to love quotes like, “Winners are not people who never fail. Winners are people who never quit!” Why do you think we sell the story that quitting is bad?
  • Is there anything you’ve quit that you regret quitting?
  • When is quitting a good idea?
  • Is there anything in your life you feel you should quit? If so, what and why?
  • Why do you think it’s so hard for people to quit certain things?
  • Do you think most people give up too easily?
  • Is there anything you believe you’ll never quit?
  • What’s the next thing you think you’ll quit?

Direct download: migs319.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 11:55am CDT

The hands of time creep forward and the pages of calendars turn. Along the way, microbes become creatures that leave the water and eventually walk upright. In time, the Progenies of Time create societies, the Internet, and so many other things.

Progress marches on, so...this time around, that's what the Gorillamen discuss.


  • When is the first time you were aware of progress (societal, technological, other). 
  • How much societal progress would you say you’ve seen through your lifetime?
  • Technological?
  • What thing would mid-80s Christopher (or mid-90s) Shawn be most surprised by existing today?
  • What would each of those people be most disappointed had not progressed?
  • What’s your favorite example of societal/technological process from your lifetime?
  • What is the worst example of progress from your lifetime?
  • What would you like to see progress faster?
  • What’s the future of progress?

Direct download: migs318.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 10:09am CDT

Once upon a time, there were two little gorillas who worked together in the mortgage branch of a very large bank. They liked each other enough that they stayed in touch, even after leaving that job and going their separate ways.

They talked about starting a new thing: a podcast. They jumped into that new thing, and the only thing that ever stopped them in a release week was the recent Texas winterpocalypse that wiped out power and Internet connectivity for most of a week.

The Gorillamen often talk about things they are up to, seemed time to dedicate an entire episode to trying new things.

Here's what Gorilla Shawn and Gorilla Christopher chat about this time:

  • What is the first new thing you remember trying?
  • How easy is it to try something new?
  • How open are you to trying new things?
  • What is the coolest new thing you've ever done?
  • Has a new thing ever changed your life? What was it, and how did it change things?
  • Why do you think some people are apprehensive about trying new things?
  • What's a new thing you tried that you quickly stopped doing? (And why?)
  • What's the last [vaguely major] new thing you've tried?
  • How has the Internet factored into people trying new things?
  • What's a new thing you have always wanted to do, but haven't? Why?
  • Do you think a person can do too many new things?
  • What is the future of trying new things?

Direct download: migs317.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 10:25am CDT

This is not the government writing this intro to tell you that Gorilla Shawn, recently receiving his first COVID-19 vaccine dose, is now under the control of Bill Gates. And Gorilla Christopher recently didn't eat fake Texas snow, and is not now a HAARP zombie! Nope...nothing to see, here...move on...

This time around, while still rebounding from the big Texas winter storm, the Gorillamen are taking on modern conspiracy theories. (Yes, they talked about conspiracy theories way back in Episode 3, but this time, it's more recent things...and the damage they're doing to the U.S. and beyond...)

What is discussed? How 'bout this:

  • What’s the first time in the last few years you noticed an upturn in conspiracy thought?
  • What’s the first modern conspiracy you saw?
  • Why do you think conspiracy theories have come back into the mainstream lately?
  • What kind of people are most susceptible to believing in conspiracies?
  • What’s the dumbest conspiracy theory you’ve heard lately?
  • What’s the most believable?
  • How do conspiracies start, and why?
  • Who benefits from the latest rash of conspiracy thought?
  • Who is damaged by it?
  • What’s the immediate future of conspiracy theories?

Direct download: migs316.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 12:24pm CDT

A quick update...

For the first time in over 315 episodes (eight years), it looks like we won't get an episode out during its scheduled week.

Because of the unprecedented storm that hit Texas this week, Gorilla Shawn has been without power, and Gorilla Christopher spent much of the week without Internet.

Not sure if we will release the new episode next week, or wait for the next scheduled week.

Just wanted to let everyone know what's up!

Hope you're well...we're starting to crawl out of things down here in the Lone Star State...

Direct download: migs-storm.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 9:24am CDT

It's time to change that avocado-colored kitchen you've looked at daily since buying that 60s ranch house in the 'burbs. But how? Do you hire contractors, do it yourself, or find the right combination of both options?

More people than ever are giving it their own go. If you live in the suburbs, you are likely just a few miles from a large home improvement store. Many cities offer grants to improve where we live. Access to industry knowledge and materials is commonplace, and the result is more homes being updated than ever.

That's what the Gorillamen are talking about this time around...specifically:

  • When did you first become aware of home improvement?
  • Growing up, what home improvements did you see done? (Could be your family, or others.)
  • Functionality used to be enough, but now we love luxury and design. Why do you think home improvement is such a big thing?
  • Why do you think Do It Yourself home tasks have become more popular than ever?
  • What is your favorite home improvement show?
  • Have you ever worked in a job centered around home improvement? (Or, if not…do you ever have the urge?)
  • How has the Internet changed home improvement?
  • What's the most involved home improvement task you've done?
  • How do you learn how to update things around your home?
  • What's one home improvement task you need to do or have done?
  • What is THE home improvement task you want to do or have done?
  • What is the future of home improvement?

Direct download: migs315.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 12:49pm CDT

You will listen to Men in Gorilla Suits...
You will spread the good news about Men in Gorilla Suits...
You will listen to Men in Gorilla Suits...
You will spread the good news about Men in Gorilla Suits...
You will listen to Men in Gorilla Suits...
You will spread the good news about Men in Gorilla Suits...

This time around, we're talking about brainwashing...specifically, these points:

  • When was the first time you heard of the concept of brainwashing?
  • Who's the first person you ever saw brainwashed or radicalized in any way?
  • What is brainwashing, in your opinion?
  • How long has brainwashing been a part of the American experience?
  • Have you ever been brainwashed?
  • What's the most benign example of brainwashing you've seen?
  • What's the scariest?
  • Does the internet make it easier to brainwash people?
  • Why are some people more suggestible to brainwashing?
  • Can brainwashing ever be used for good?
  • How do we combat brainwashing, or try to help those who have been radicalized?
  • What's the future of brainwashing in America?

Direct download: migs314.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 4:04pm CDT 'bout that attempted United States coup attempt, eh?

It's been a bit of a nutty week (to say the least), but we have yet to miss posting an episode by Friday of the scheduled week for 313 episodes and counting...

This time, we talk about hypochondria; specifically:

  • When did you first hear about hypochondria?
  • Who was the first hypochondriac you knew?
  • Are you a hypochondriac…or do you have any tendencies toward illness anxiety disorder?
  • How does one become a hypochondriac?
  • Do you feel hypochondria is a valid phobia?
  • How does illness anxiety disorder affect one’s life?
  • Have you ever lived with a hypochondriac? What’s that like?
  • Do you think doctors are quick to dispel valid medical concerns as being all in one’s head?
  • Has a doctor ever told you there was nothing wrong with you and then…it turned out there was?
  • What role do you think the Internet plays in those with illness anxiety disorder?
  • Can someone overcome hypochondria?
  • What advice would you give someone with illness anxiety disorder?

Direct download: migs313.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 1:53pm CDT

You catch the gorilla's eye and he quickly looks away. But fuzzy face be damned, you swear his cheeks turn a bit red.

You look away, and he glances back and smiles.

You go your separate ways, but you cannot stop thinking about that gorilla and maybe, just maybe, you imagine he's probably thinking about you...

This time around, the Gorillamen talk all about...crushes:

  • When did you first become aware of crushes?
  • Who, or even what, was your first crush?
  • How do you define a crush?
  • Who are some of your early crushes?
  • Any fictional crushes?
  • Did you ever have a crush on a teacher? Why?
  • Who is your man crush...or even crushes?
  • Besides the guys we just listed, any other current harmless crushes?
  • Why do you think humans develop crushes?
  • Are crushes an issue, or are they harmless?
  • If your spouse has any crushes, are you jealous about them?
  • Do you think crushes can become something more...even delving into the realm of becoming a problem?
  • What is the future of the human crush on others?

* * *

"I Have a Crush on You" Photo: Leonardo Sanches.

Direct download: migs309.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 10:18am CDT

We Gorillamen have collected 308 episodes of this show.

So it seemed fitting that we talk about collections...specifically...

  • When did you first notice someone collecting something?
  • What was the first thing you collected?
  • Why do we as humans like to collect things?
  • What’s the coolest collectible you’ve seen?
  • What’s the coolest collection?
  • The weirdest?
  • Do you collect anything now?
  • If you could have a world-class collection of anything, what would it be?
  • What’s the worst gift you’ve gotten because someone thought you collected something?
  • Is collecting just another sneaky form of capitalism?
  • What’s the future of collections/collecting?

Direct download: migs308.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 11:55am CDT

Hello, and welcome to the Men in Gorilla Suits community. Membership has its privileges: no message forums, membership cards, or expectations other than, "We're not the bosses of whatever you want!"

But there are podcasts, organizations, and so many other things around which communities are built. In fact, that's the topic of this episode.

Some of what we talk about:

  • What is your first memory of community?
  • How important is a sense of community to a person's development?
  • What are some communities you have been a part of...or currently still take part in?
  • The online world makes it possible for anyone to try establishing communities. What are some online communities that have impressed you...and why?
  • What are some examples of online communities having a negative effect on society?
  • Have you ever established or managed a community?
  • Do you feel we have a community based around this show...and what is your opinion of it?
  • Do you ever feel like we should do more to create a sense of community based around Men in Gorilla Suits?
  • What's the weirdest community you know of?
  • Is there any community you're not a part of that you'd like to join? Why?
  • What do you think about people very into something who are not part of any community for that thing?
  • What is the future for communities?

Direct download: migs307.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 9:09am CDT

Does this podcast really exist? Do you really exist?

Does anything actually exist? (Other than the simulation in which we are all trapped.)

This time around, we get all deep and talk about our very existence...specifically:

  • When was the first time you realized that you, as a person, actually exist?
  • When was the first time you worried you might not exist?
  • Is it possible that none of us exist?
  • How often do you ponder your existence? The meaning behind it?
  • Do you think people ponder the meaning of their existence enough?
  • What do you do to find purpose?
  • Why are we here?
  • Does how we came into existence matter? (Religious idea vs scientific, etc.)
  • What is, in your opinion, the meaning of life?
  • What is the end of existence?

Direct download: migs306.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 11:25am CDT

We got through this entire episode without making an instrument = penis joke.

Apparently, after 300 episodes, we have become complacent. For that, the Gorillamen apologize.

So...this week we talk about hard wood(en) instruments and playing flutes. (But not skin flutes...another opportunity squandered...) It's all about musical instruments.

Specifically, here's what we discuss:

  • What's your first memory of someone playing a musical instrument?
  • Do you play any instruments? (What...and how long have you played?)
  • Did you ever take any kind of musical training?
  • How do you teach yourself new musical skills?
  • Have you ever played live music for an audience?
  • Who is the best musician you personally know (and what do they play)?
  • If you could snap your fingers and play any instrument very well, what would you choose?
  • Is there an instrument you feel you'll never play that you still think is very cool? What is it? (And why?)
  • Do you believe playing a musical instrument benefits the person playing? If so, how?
  • How has social media and YouTube changed the way people play music?
  • Would you ever want to build an instrument from scratch?
  • If sci-fi has taught us nothing else, it's that musical instruments will evolve. So...What is the future of musical instruments?

Direct download: migs305.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 12:54pm CDT

Gorilla Christopher almost totally forgot to load this! Sad thing: he got a jump on the episode, but didn't get to this part on Wednesday.

Were he to justify things, he'd say, "Well, technically, our release date is Friday...Wednesdays just happened along the way..." Or he could have said something about a busy work-week or that things got lost in the excitement of an approaching long weekend in the U.S.

But nah, he just totally forgot!

Still...this time around, it's all about how people justify things...specifically:

  • When’s the first time you heard someone try to justify something?
  • Do you feel the need to justify your actions/decisions much these days?
  • What’s the worst thing you’ve ever had to justify?
  • What are the little things we all justify every day?
  • How do people justify the actions taken by our government lately? The racism, the violence against our own people, the fascism?
  • Is use of force ever justified for private citizens?
  • How about for law enforcement?
  • What’s the most unjust thing you’ve ever done?
  • The most just?
  • What’s the future of justification?

Direct download: migs304.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 1:35pm CDT

You wouldn't know it by looking at us, but we have always been popular. The smartest and fittest -- Homecoming Kings...all-state quarterbacks.

As adults, we've turned down film roles, eschewed playing in popular bands...even refusing roles as heads of state.

Instead, we Gorillamen have chosen to channel all our popularity into a podcast that gets 250-500 listens a month! (Top those numbers, This American Life!!!)

Okay, so this week, two unpopular geeks talk about popular things. Specifically, this:

  • When was the first time you heard of a person or thing being popular?
  • When you were a kid, were you concerned with popularity?
  • Was your school/schools when you were young popularity contests?
  • As a (supposed) adult, are you concerned with popularity at all?
  • What’s the most popular thing you’ve done?
  • What are some popular things you like?
  • What are some popular things you hate?
  • Are presidential elections just popularity contests?
  • What’s the future of popularity? 

Direct download: migs302.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 1:23pm CDT

Do as we say...not as we do...

(The Gorillamen know best...)

You will listen to this episode and like it because we made it and we are in control...

Okay, so you probably know by now that we are two of the least controlling people on the planet. But it's a good topic worthy of discussion, so...our gift to you (and what we discuss):

  • When did you first become aware of the concept of control?
  • Were you raised in a controlling household?
  • Are you a controlling person?
  • What is your opinion of controlling people?
  • Any interesting stories about dealing with a controlling person?
  • Why do you think some people are controlling?
  • How do you deal with controlling people?
  • How controlling do you think most U.S. workplaces are?
  • What role does control play in politics?
  • Do you think any good comes out of being controlling or having control? (On an individual or even societal level.)
  • What are the downsides of trying to have or maintain control?
  • What is the future of control?

Direct download: migs301.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 11:50am CDT

Tick...Tock...the clock never stops.

You pull your back toweling off after a shower.

Sooooooooo many responsibilities!

Youth is in the rear view mirror; being officially "old" shines in the headlights.

But it's not all that bad; in fact, it's pretty fuckin' awesome!

Welcome to middle age!

In this -- the 300th episode of Men in Gorilla Suits -- we discuss:

  • Who was the first person you ever heard described as “middle aged?”
  • When do you believe you reached middle age?
  • When did you first *feel* middle aged?
  • What’s the worst thing about being middle aged?
  • What’s the best thing about being middle aged?
  • What was the worst birthday for you (as far as feeling like you we’re getting older)?
  • Do you think there’s a certain invisibility to young people once you reach a certain age?
  • When you were a kid, what age did you consider “old?”
  • How about now?
  • What sort of “middle aged” problems have you encountered?
  • Which “middle aged” tropes turned out to be bullshit?
  • What’s the perception of middle-aged people now versus when you were a kid?
  • What’s the future of being middle aged?

Direct download: migs300.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 10:57am CDT


Ha! Surprised you, eh?


Well, then listen to the Gorillamen talk about these things this time around:

  • What is the first surprising thing you remember?
  • What last surprised you?
  • Do you startle easily?
  • What are your thoughts about the horror movie jump scare?
  • To that point, what role does surprise play in entertainment? (Stories, music, etc.)
  • Your favorite surprise?
  • Your worst surprise?
  • What is the best surprise you ever pulled off?
  • What do you think about surprise parties?
  • What do you think about online reaction or prank videos?
  • Were you surprised when Trump won in 2016?
  • What do you think will be the next big surprise that affects much of the world in some way?

Direct download: migs299.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 7:23pm CDT

If you've listened to the show, you know we believe Black lives matter. You know we believe in underdogs. You know we're the kinds of people the assholes will brand wicked socialists.

And we're good with that.

We've had our goofy moments over the years, but always strive to listen, learn, and be better.

So yeah...this week, we're talking about politics and protests...

This is what we talk about:

  • Do you consider yourself a political person?
  • Have you ever been to a protest?
  • Do you think protests work?
  • Would you go to a protest now?
  • What other political actions have you taken?
  • Have you ever worked on a political campaign?
  • Do you think there is a political solution to the current crises in America and the world?
  • Do you think riots are effective political action?
  • What’s your opinion of the current protests/riots?
  • What’s the future of political action?

Direct download: migs298.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 7:10pm CDT

May 29, 2020: We have run out of food in the arctic. Having eaten the sled dogs, we Gorillamen decided our last act would be recording a podcast. Good friends that we are, each offering their life for the other, we decided to let nature survive. One of us might make it after eating the other should one of us die first. But it is possible, as cold as it is, that we might not make it through the night...

This episode, we're talking about these fine topics of adventure:

  • When did you first become aware of the concept of adventure?
  • How do you define adventure?
  • What is the appeal of adventure?
  • What’s your earliest memory of an adventure you took part in?
  • What’s your best (or a couple best) adventure experiences?
  • Your worst?
  • How important is adventure in your life?
  • What is your favorite adventure story? (Can be a book, movie, song…anything…)
  • Must something be big in order to be an adventure?
  • What do you think stops people from living adventurously?
  • Do you think younger you would be pleased with the level of adventure in your life?
  • What is the future of adventure?

Direct download: migs297.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 10:58pm CDT

Could probably just drop the lyrics to Fugazi's "Merchandise" here and call it a wrap...

This week, it's all about capitalism:

  • When were you first aware that things cost money?
  • When were you first introduced to the idea of an economy?
  • What’s the first major purchase you remember someone making?
  • What’s the first major purchase you made on your own?
  • How do your major and minor purchases affect society?
  • Is our current system of capitalism different to the one you remember from 20-30 years ago?
  • Is capitalism a good way to run a society?
  • Is an economy more important than the people in that society?
  • How would you change our current system of capitalism, if at all?
  • Is there a better system already out there? Or do we need something new to replace capitalism?
  • What’s the future of (American) capitalism?

Direct download: migs296.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 8:56am CDT

Dearest listeners. While the pandemic is far-reaching, we Gorillamen are doing as well as can be expected. Such dire circumstances, but we must strive for some semblance of our lives before March, when the vapors strongly made its presence known.

But if history tells us nothing else, it's that those of us who stay in place and consider many things have the greatest odds of weathering through. To that end, Gorilla Shawn and Gorilla Christopher communicated recently through telegraph, creating a thing that history may remember one day as a "podcast."

While they realize many may be exhausted by the constant drumming of newsboys and news moguls, it is important to share our own stories, so one day one may look back and live history through our eyes.

To that end, we offer this show...

These items are discussed:

  • How long have you been doing the stay-at-home thing?
  • Did you start before or after someone recommended it?
  • When did your town/county officially order you to stay at home?
  • How are you holding up?
  • Do you actually think self-quarantine is over or under reacting to the current situation?
  • What do you think about the coronavirus situation in general?
  • Are you concerned for the future?
  • What are you doing to fill the time?
  • How are you coping with the uncertainty the situation has created?
  • What’s the strangest thing you’ve seen since this whole thing started?
  • The dumbest?
  • What’s the future? Of, like, the future?

Direct download: migs294.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 9:42pm CDT

With the world in a weird state right now, the Gorillamen have thought about addressing Da Covidz, but instead...Gorilla Christopher opted for something more inspirational...forgiveness.

(He almost went with Pizza as the topic, so expect that next time it's his call...)

Anyway, here we go...

  • When did you first become aware of forgiveness?
  • Are you a very forgiving person?
  • What’s the biggest thing you’ve ever forgiven?
  • Is there anything you can’t forgive?
  • How does living in a world that demands speed, perfection, and getting what you want (sometimes, at any cost) affect forgiveness?
  • What are some benefits of forgiveness?
  • Who’s the most forgiving person you know?
  • What do you think of those who equate forgiveness to weakness?
  • How important do you think forgiveness is to living a happy life?
  • Some people joke about odd “unforgivable things” like putting pineapple on pizza, beans in chili, or wearing white after Labor Day. Other people take those things seriously. What do you think about how people react to those stranger unforgivable things?
  • What advice do you have for someone who finds it hard to forgive?
  • What is the future of forgiveness?

Direct download: migs293.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 1:14pm CDT

Get along, all ya self-quarantining little doggies and listen to the Gorillamen talk about country music! (From Texas, no less!)


  • What was the first country song you remember hearing?
  • What was your impression of country music when you were younger?
  • What's your impression of country music now?
  • What makes country music popular?
  • Are any of the stereotypes about country music (and its fans) true?
  • When were you most into country music?
  • What made you tune out of country music?
  • Who is the best all-time country artist for you?
  • Best all time country song?
  • Worst All Time Artist?
  • Worst all time song?
  • Is there any country you're into currently?
  • What's the future of country music?

Direct download: migs292.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 10:17am CDT

Once the perceived domain of crunchy hippies, vegetarianism is much more than Birkenstock sandal-wearing hipsters who smell like patchouli. Around the world, it is the diet of many faithful sects; it sustains many top athletes; it is embraced by Hollywood and your average person alike. Dare we say it has even seen mainstream success in recent years?

While one of the Gorillamen has not eaten meat since well before the start of Men in Gorilla Suits, we have yet to discuss eating plants. So...this time around, we change that!

Here's what we chat about:

  • What is your earliest memory of the concept of not eating meat?
  • Are you now, or have you ever been, a vegetarian or vegan? (If so, when and why?)
  • Why do you think there's a growth of vegetarians and vegans in the world right now?
  • Vegans especially have a reputation for being pushy in their views. Do you think there's truth to that?
  • Along those lines, why do you think some people are so aggressively opposed to the idea of not eating meat – to the point they will tease plant-based eaters for their choices?
  • The Burger King Impossible Whopper has received a lot of attention. What are your thoughts about mock meats?
  • Why do you think there are so many different kinds of vegetarians (examples: ordinary vegetarians, vegans, people who prefer being called plant-based instead of vegan)?
  • Do you think all the different ways of being a vegetarian or vegan make it hard for meat-eaters to warm to the concept?
  • What role does environmentalism play in the growth of vegetarianism/veganism?
  • Hell, let’s just go there: what are your feelings toward People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals?
  • Legislation has been written in many states saying it's illegal for whistleblowers to secretly film the mistreatment of livestock...and some legislators want to make referring to plant-based milks as "milk" and veggie burgers as "burgers." What are your thoughts about all that?
  • What is the future of plant-based eating?

Direct download: migs291.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 9:30am CDT

We here at Men in Gorilla Suits are looking for 25 self-motivated people to join our team! Get in on the ground floor and make as much -- or as little -- money as you'd like. Great opportunity for stay-at-home moms or anyone wanting a side hustle that will break them free from the bonds of their 9-to-5 day jobs. Set your own hours -- be your own boss! We'll be visiting your airport Marriott soon, so sign up now!

This week, we're talking about multi-level marketing schemes. (Oh, wait...we're calling it "network marketing" these days...)

Here's what we discuss:

  • What’s the first pyramid scheme you ever heard of?
  • The first one you experienced?
  • Has anyone ever tried to get you into an MLM/pyramid scheme?
  • Have you ever fallen for one in any way, including buying the products?
  • Why do people fall for pyramid schemes and MLMs?
  • Should MLMs be illegal?
  • Are all MLMs bad?
  • Are there any good MLM products?
  • What’s the worst MLM you’ve ever heard of or experienced?
  • What’s the future of pyramid schemes/MLMs?

Direct download: migs290.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 9:34pm CDT

Break out the Rubik's Cubes and spin that vinyl ya damned hipster -- this time around the Gorillamen are getting Retro!

Here is what's discussed...

* * *

  • What was the first thing you heard described as retro?
  • What’s your favorite retro thing right now?
  • What’s something you thought was dead that was brought back because of its retro appeal?
  • What’s the best retro trend?
  • The worst?
  • Why do you think retro stuff is so popular right now?
  • If you could bring back any product from your childhood, what would it be?
  • Were things better “back in your day?”
  • Have you ever seen a retro thing that was way worse than you remember the original being?
  • Way better?
  • What’s the future past of retro?

Direct download: migs288.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 11:00am CDT

This week, we're nailing bitches and battlin''s all about toxic masculinity!

[And if you're completely new...uhm...we're not fans of toxic masculinity. Gorilla Shawn is currently at DisneyWorld and Gorilla Christopher just helped his wife of 27+ years with the lunchtime dishes...]

Anyway, here's what we talk about this time around:

  • When did you first hear about toxic masculinity?
  • Growing up, were there toxic males close to you in life? Who? (And how do you think that affects boys?)
  • Why do you think toxic masculinity exists?
  • Have you ever been a toxic male? How?
  • Is the very term "toxic masculinity" too broad a term? (i.e. Is it too easy to just dispel anything one doesn't like as toxic?)
  • What do you think about those who say this is all blown out of proportion -- that men are just being men?
  • How do you think we combat those who say it's all just the way men are?
  • Can a guy be both tough but tender without being labeled toxic?
  • Do you think the current political state plays a role in toxic masculinity? How?
  • It seems there are always new reports coming out about men and loneliness. What role do you think toxic masculinity plays in that?
  • Why do you think there's such a push-back by toxic males against the concept of toxic masculinity?
  • What is the future of toxic masculinity?

Direct download: migs287.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 12:36pm CDT

Gorilla Shawn decided a look back at the year that was would be snazzy...and Gorilla Christopher agreed. So, here's what we thought about 2019...

* * *

  • What was the first thing this year you thought was cool?
  • What was the best thing that happened to you this year?
  • Worst thing?
  • Best thing that happened in the world?
  • Worst?
  • Favorite episode of men in gorilla suits?
  • Favorite other piece of media from this year?
  • Thing you wish you’d done this year?
  • Thing you wish you’d done better this year?
  • What’s your hope for next year?

Direct download: migs286.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 9:26am CDT

This week, we're talking about the most fun you can have staring at a dead body: funerals!

(Well, most fun for most of us...the Gorillamen do not want to think of what would do it for many others...)

* * *

  • What is the first funeral you remember?
  • What do you see as the role of funerals in society?
  • How much do you think social norms factor into funerals?
  • Have you seen any breaks from traditional mores where funerals are involved? Any changes you’d like to see?
  • Have you ever had to arrange or help in some way with a funeral? What did you think?
  • What are your thoughts about the funeral industry?
  • When you die, do you want a funeral? If so, what would you like?
  • What’s the best funeral you ever attended?
  • What’s the worst funeral you ever attended?
  • What is your favorite movie, book, or song about funerals?
  • If you could attend any funeral in history, which one would you attend?
  • What is the future of funerals?

Direct download: migs285.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 8:40am CDT

Gorilla Christopher has been sick for a week, and it's Thanksgiving Day in the U.S., so let's get right to what we chat about this episode...about streaming services.

* * *

  • When was the first time you heard of a streaming service? (Music or video)?
  • What’s the first streaming service you used?
  • How many streaming services do you use now?
  • How many are paid vs. unpaid?
  • How much do you spend on streaming?
  • What’s your favorite streaming service?
  • What’s the worst streaming service?
  • Do you still subscribe to cable/satellite or other TV?
  • Have you ever subscribed to a streaming service for one show only?
  • Is streaming a threat to traditional media?
  • Is that a bad thing if it is?
  • How has streaming changed your daily life, if at all?
  • What’s the future of streaming?

Direct download: migs284.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 11:26am CDT

Instead of complaining about how busy this week is for Gorilla Christopher, he's just going to post what he and Gorilla Shawn talked about this week:

  • When were you first aware of this thing called complaining?
  • Are you much of a complainer?
  • When you do complain, what do you tend to complain about?
  • How well do you handle being around people who complain?
  • Why do you think some people complain as much as they do?
  • What role do you think social media has played in complaining?
  • Where do you hear most of the complaining you’re exposed to?
  • Do you think complaining accomplishes much?
  • What do you most dislike hearing people complain about?
  • Do you think complaining can become almost addictive?
  • If someone wanted to stop complaining as much as they might, what advice would you give them?
  • What is the future of complaining?

Direct download: migs283.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 8:23am CDT

Once you set foot on any Disney property, the sounds and colors will haunt your life for the rest of your days.

This week, we're talking about tourism. Specifically:

  • When’s the first time you remember hearing of the idea of traveling for fun, or to go see a thing/event?
  • When was your first “touristy” trip?
  • When you travel, is it for tourism, or is it task-oriented? (“I’m going to New York to see the Empire State Building” vs. “I’m going to New York for a work thing.”)
  • What’s the most touristy thing you’ve ever done?
  • What touristy thing do you hate?
  • What touristy thing do you want to do?
  • What’s something that you’ve gone somewhere to see, but very few people would even bother to seek out?
  • Do you wish you could travel for leisure more?
  • Have you ever worked in the tourism industry?
  • Have you ever had to deal with tourists?
  • What’s the future of tourism?

Direct download: migs282.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 9:44am CDT

Some weeks, there are things you just have to accept. Not that it was a bad week, but Gorilla Christopher was like [to himself]: "'ll get the episode up at some point...worst case, Gorilla Shawn's always got your back..."

So here it is, in its snazzy glory...all about...stoicism...

* * *

This is how it flows:

  • When did you first become aware of stoicism?
  • Do you consider yourself stoic?
  • Whether or not you consider yourself stoic, what are some of your stoic moments in life?
  • What are some good things about stoicism or being stoic?
  • What are some bad things about being stoic?
  • Do you think stoicism is avoidance?
  • And along that line of thinking, many will argue stoicism is anything BUT avoidance, because you are always prepared to deal with the worst. Do you think that’s a realistic way of looking at the world?
  • A tenet of stoicism is accepting the things you can and cannot control. Doing something about those things you can control…and letting the things you cannot roll off you. Your thoughts on that?
  • Do you agree that people should love all the things that happen to them?
  • Stoicism seems to have become a sort of buzzy philosophy among entrepreneurs. Do you think they really get stoicism?
  • Why do you think stoicism still endures today?
  • What is the future of stoicism?

Direct download: migs281.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 10:55am CDT

Sprawling on the fringes of the city
In geometric order
An insulated border
In between the bright lights
And the far, unlit unknown
- Rush "Subdivisions"

This week, it's all about the suburbs!

Here's what we talk about:

  • How long have you lived in the suburbs?
  • What’s the first time you heard a mention of the suburbs?
  • Have you ever lived in the limits of a big city?
  • Which do you prefer? The suburbs or the city?
  • What’s the draw of suburbia for most people?
  • For us?
  • What’s the most suburban thing you’ve seen?
  • What’s the most suburban thing you’ve done?
  • Is there really a difference in kids/people raised in the suburbs and those in the city?
  • What about suburbs vs country/rural? What’s your preference there?
  • Are the suburbs a good invention, or a bad one?
  • What’s the future of the suburbs?

Direct download: migs280.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 8:42pm CDT

Very few people know Gorilla Shawn is a concert pianist and Gorilla Christopher is a chamber cellist. We are tops when it comes to our Mensa scores. Christopher swam the English Channel...under water, while holding his breath. Shawn can assemble furniture with his mind. Don't even get us started on our mad dance skills.

But still...we are the most talented gorillas you will ever meet, and we combine all our talents into the most important thing you will listen to this week: the two of us talking about...talent!

* * *

We begin the episode discussing when we first realized some people were inherently better than others at certain tings...and then talk about when we first learned what talent was.

Find out if we were aware of our talents when we were younger and what we did to discover them. After that, we chat about the most talented people we knew growing up.

We devote a bit of time to talking about what we feel we're talented at doing -- and then discuss what we wish we were truly talented at doing. If that's not enough, we chat about the most talented person we know now...and who we think are the most popular celebrities.

We get a bit serious when the topic turns to wondering if society puts too much pressure on people to discover and use their talents...and we wrap it all up with this question: Are talents even important anymore?

Direct download: migs278.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 10:38am CDT

All we ever wanted in life was to say we recorded 277 episodes of Men in Gorilla Suits.

Check that off the bucket list, babeeeeeeee!!!

* * *

This is what we're talking about this week:

  • When did you first hear of bucket lists?
  • Do you have a bucket list?
  • What is your opinion of bucket lists?
  • What effect does social media have on bucket lists?
  • What is the best thing about bucket lists?
  • What is the worst thing about bucket lists?
  • Are bucket lists the domain of the privileged?
  • What are the top things on your bucket list?
  • Is there something on your bucket list you'll likely never do?
  • What's your oddest bucket list item?
  • Do you think an unfinished bucket list is a sad thing?
  • What is the future of the bucket list?

Direct download: migs277.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 11:03pm CDT

We don't care about SEO…we only care about talking about what we want to talk about…

[Shawn is like, "Damn, Chris…we're trending in South Korea and Malaysia…be cool, manl! Be cool!"]

(If he only saw the paragraph I deleted...)

He is right, though: Chill, Chris…chill…

And for those of you who listen to the show to hear English, the "CH" in Christopher is NOT the CH in Chill. (Also, thank you for listening. We'd rather people in South Korea and Malaysia listen than some angry redneck. But stalwart rednecks are okay with us...)

English…it's wacky!

Anyway...Shawn sings a lot in this episode...and makes Gorilla-Christopher sing along, so we're all golden!

* * *

What we talk about this week:

  • Define a stranger.
  • Were you warned of “stranger danger” when you were a child?
  • Who is the strangest stranger you’ve ever met?
  • Are we, as a society, too afraid of strangers in general (like as in the Neighbors app, or immigration, etc)?
  • Our fears of others don't match reality.
  • What’s the worst interaction you’ve had with a stranger?
  • The best?
  • Do you think kids should still be taught that strangers are evil?
  • Have you ever been the mysterious stranger in someone else’s story?
  • Who’s stranger: you or me?

* * *

Photo: Paul Garaizar

Direct download: migs276.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 8:45pm CDT

So busy making things this week that we don't have time to tell you all the things we are making.'s what we talk about this week!

(Now Gorilla Christopher is going to go make lunch for tomorrow...)

  • What is the first thing you remember seeing being made?
  • What was the first thing you remember making?
  • Why make things when you can just buy stuff?
  • What are some kinds of making skills you’d like to learn? Why?
  • What is something you recently made that you thought was cool?
  • What is the coolest thing you've ever made?
  • Is there something you really want to make, but haven't gotten around to?
  • What prevents you from making certain things?
  • Why do you think things like maker's groups have become so popular?
  • Do you think society loses (or gains) something when people have everything made for them and cannot make things themselves?
  • Where do things like 3D printers, laser cutters, and other things fit into making things? Do they make it all too easy?
  • What is the future of making things?

Direct download: migs275.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 8:55pm CDT

"Yeah, uhm...we're gonna need you to come into work tomorrow. I know, I's 4:49 on a Friday and you're about to leave, but...we have a lot to do, so we're working this weekend. Oh, you have plans? Plans can be cancelled...I mean, it's not like your kid isn't going to go on to play professional baseball if they're just on some lowly city league. They're already too far behind. The best they will become is someone just like you who will one day work on Saturdays for a bigger cause. Oh, by the way...I know your property has been in your family for generations, but we lobbied local officials and we all agree that the town would benefit more from taxes once a strip mall is built there, so just remember: you're getting a fair price when we assert eminent domain. Seeya tomorrow..."

This week, we're talking about corporations! Here's the list of what we discuss:

  • What was the first corporation you were aware of?
  • What’s the first corporation you were a part of in any way?
  • Do corporations have too much access to our daily lives?
  • Do you trust corporations with your data?
  • Do corporations have our best interests at heart?
  • Are corporations soulless and evil, or are they sometimes good?
  • What’s the best corporation you can think of?
  • The worst?
  • Which corporations figure into your daily life most?
  • Do corporations own us? The government?
  • Do you think corporations are too powerful?
  • What’s the future of corporations?

Direct download: migs274.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 12:05pm CDT

Apparently the consequence of having a day job when there's a wicked cold going around the northern part of the Lone Star State is that you might catch that cold by going into the office.

The Gorillamen are in different stages of that cold, so please ignore any snarfiness in this episode. Also, we're just going to get straight to what we talked about this episode:

  • When did you first learn there were consequences for certain actions?
  • How much did consequences factor into your life when you were younger?
  • How much do consequences factor into your life today?
  • Do you think perceived consequences are often valid or are they overhyped?
  • Neither of us have kids, but let's pretend we do. What consequences do you feel are most important to explain to a younger person?
  • How does discipline factor into consequences?
  • What is one lax action and consequence you wished you'd heeded more?
  • What do you think about systems set up to measure results and force consequences (e.g. annual performance reviews)?
  • Do you think it's effective to suggest to others ways to avoid negative consequences for their actions?
  • As we rely on more tools (smart phones, apps, etc.) and institutions, what consequences come with that expansion of use?
  • Do you think it's possible to live a life of few consequences?
  • What consequences from the last decades do you think we will face in the not-too-distant future?

Direct download: migs273.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 1:47pm CDT

Look at that episode art! LOOK AT IT!!!

It's...super, right?! Shawn may not have the beard anymore, but his beard lives on in all our hearts. And Christopher...he's kinda super (for a crusty 50-year old!)

Hell, this episode was RECORDED on the day Gorilla Christopher turned 50.

So to keep the fleeting moment alive before entropy envelops him, you should listen to this episode!

* * *

We kick it off with the first -- and last -- superhero movies we saw (and have seen). After that, find out our favorite (and least favorite) superhero movies.

We devote a little time to our best superhero movie experiences...and why we think superhero movies finally took hold in popular culture.

We chat a bit about if we prefer our superhero movies to match comics exactly, or deviate a bit...and then we discuss our favorite TV superhero shows.

Robert Pattinson as Batman has some slobbery geeks' undies all bundled around their pebbly nads. We give our thoughts on the latest Batman choice...and then talk about the superhero movie we'd love to see. (Gorilla Christopher forgot Justice League International...or an all out Booster Gold/Blue Beetle flick!)

As we approach the end, we talk about if we've experienced superhero movie burnout...and we wrap it all up with the future of superhero movies!

Direct download: migs271.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 8:53pm CDT

Yo! Like, we never tell you about how Men in Gorilla Suits has afforded us, the Gorillamen, ridiculous side cash!

You might think we do this out of love for just making the damn thing, but why make the damn thing if it doesn't make a lot of side money, right?

Men in Gorilla Suits has made us rich! Ridiculously so, but...we work day jobs just because it's funny for the show. Really, we're cutting-edge entrepreneurs, out there on the fringes of society, hustling all the time and making the fat stacks of Benjamins!

Or maybe not...

This week, we talk all about side gigs...

* * *

We kick it off with the first person we remember who had a side gig...and then talk about our own first side gigs.

We talk about the "gig economy" for a bit and if we're currently working any side gigs.

We devote a bit of time to the best and worst side gigs we've worked. After that, we chat about if things we do on the side today are strictly for money or other things.

If you listen to us regularly, you know we often talk about technology's effect on the chosen topic. We talk about how tech has influenced side gigs before chatting about the side gig we'd love to have.

But not all side gigs are good (in fact, many are terrible). We discuss them for a bit and then wrap it up with the future of side gigs.

Direct download: migs270.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 8:20pm CDT

Gorilla Christopher starts a new job this week, so let's get straight to what we talk about this week:

* * *

  • What was the first toy you remember?
  • What was the first toy you ever REALLY wanted?
  • What was your favorite toy from childhood?
  • What was the worst toy you ever owned?
  • How important are toys to childhood development?
  • What is the last toy you purchased?
  • What do you think about adults rushing to collect toys before kids can get them? (Like Star Wars figures, Avengers figures…things like that!)
  • Toys have changed quite a bit over the years. What is the most dangerous toy you once owned that they would probably not sell today?
  • How has technology affected toys?
  • Let's talk about the OTHER adult toys. Do you consider things like mini flamethrowers, GoPro cameras, and drones toys? (Or at least appeal to us as adults in the same manner toys appealed to us as kids?)
  • In the world of podcasting, some refer to recording gear as toys. What is your favorite podcasting toy…and is there something else you'd really love having?
  • What is the future of toys?

Direct download: migs269.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 9:53pm CDT

Home office photo.

Working from home used to be the domain of fancy-pants novelists and snooty painters. Now, it's likely your schlub of a neighbor has worked from home. We say this with confidence, being those very schlubs.

Like anything, there are good and bad things about working from home. (Although Gorilla Christopher will argue it's all good.) Working from home is the topic of this week's Men in Gorilla Suits...recorded in our homes on a Sunday night...

* * *

We kick it off talking about how often we work from home and then jump to the first time we heard about people working from home. Then we move on to our first jobs that allowed us to work from home...followed by our best -- and worst -- working from home experiences.

We chat about if we're more or less productive when working from home...and if we tend to work more hours when we're not in the office.

It could be easy losing all sense of time working from home, so we talk about how we manage things without being in the office. And then we discuss the best and worst parts of working from home.

We devote a little time to funny working from home stories, and then wrap it all up with the future of working from home.

Direct download: migs268.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 8:56am CDT

Men in Gorilla Suits automated show notes.

> 10 print Butt
> 20 goto 10
> run_

[Laughter ensues…]

* * *

We begin with the first example of automation we remember seeing, and then move on to the most recent. After that, we chat about if we (and most people) could lose jobs to automated machines or algorithms.

What will humans do if machines and algorithms take over a significant number of jobs? We talk about that a bit before moving on to if automation frightens or bothers us.

Find out what automation we use at work and home...and where we stand on home automation.

And we wrap it all up with what the future of automation means for humanity.

Direct download: migs266.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 8:59am CDT

You leave Radigast City at the break of dawn, traveling north until reaching an unnamed river. For days, the water is your guide as lush earth gives way to dreary moors and tangled thickets. Finally, in the distance, you see a white plume of smoke rising from a mountain in the distance.

Two miles from the volcano, you find a suitable cave in which to store your supplies.

"Dead Knoll's Eye Socket," your guide says. "This is where I take leave. Good luck."

With your traveling gear stored safely away, you make your way along unsettled the land, being careful to avoid any fissures venting steam. Levi, the party's thief, is the first to hear the mountain breathing. Once you all hear it, you realize it comes in a cycle: a thirty-second exhale of heat followed by a half minute of calm. The cave your guide said to seek now lies before you, about eight feet in diameter.

Suddenly, the whooshing breath of White Plume Mountain almost knocks you over. The torch Bautigan the Brave readied is extinguished by the blast of air. You have thirty seconds before the next wave of wind and steam comes your way.

What do you do?

Dungeons and Dragons. In the 80s, many claimed it was a tool of Satan. Today, it's a mainstream staple of pop culture. It's also this week's topic of Men in Gorilla Suits...

* * *

We roll initiative and discuss when we first became aware of Dungeons and Dragons (D&D). After that, we talk about when we played...and if we still play today.

We talk about why D&D has endured for 45 years...and how technology has affected the game in recent years.

Because we are geeks, we devote some time to our favorite D&D monsters, player classes, and races.

We mentioned the Satanic Panic of the 1980s, which many claimed was the worst thing about D&D. It never came to be (because there was nothing to worry about), but that doesn't stop us from chatting about the worst thing playing D&D can do to a person.

Dungeons and Dragons has become a pop culture staple, and we talk about our favorite appearance of the game in something we've watched or listened to.

And we wrap up this episode with two things:

  1. Our favorite D&D memories.
  2. What the future holds for D&D

Direct download: migs265.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 3:18pm CDT

Weird Al Yankovic and Stephen Colbert - Ed. 264: Last Seen...Talking about Parody and Satire.

Gorilla Christopher initially thought about opening Photoshop and adding your favorite podcasters' faces to images of celebrities known for parody and satire. But swapping faces with Weird Al looked like Christopher because he's apparently hair twins with the world's favorite accordion player. So that idea was scrapped.

And yes, obviously -- this week's topic: Parody and Satire.

* * *

We begin by talking about the first parody or satire we remember -- and then leap to the best work of satire in literature and film. After that, we discuss the funniest -- and worst -- works of parody we've come across.

Find out our preferences: parody or satire. (Or do we like each equally?) Also, we tell you where we stand on parody and comedic music in general.

If you've ever wondered if either of us have attempted to write satire or parody, this is your moment! And with the current climate ripe for satire, we talk about where to find it.

And, of course, we wrap it up looking toward the future, asking what parody and satire will be like in the years to come.

Direct download: migs264.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 8:56am CDT

Lightning strike. Last Seen...Talking about the Weather.

It is currently 53 degrees with mostly clear skies in the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex. Weekend lows will be in the 30s, with afternoon temperatures reaching 60 by Sunday afternoon. A perfect weekend for getting out and about!

This week, we're talking about the weather...specifically:

  • What’s the first weather event you remember?
  • What’s your ideal weather situation?
  • What’s the most extreme weather situation you’ve lived through?
  • What’s the scariest type of weather on the planet?
  • What’s the worst type of weather, in your opinion?
  • Is climate change a thing?
  • Is weather a consideration in where you choose to live, or not to live as the case might be?
  • Are you a weather-centric person? Does it affect your moods?
  • What’s the future of weather on this planet?

Direct download: migs262.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 11:41am CDT

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is migstitlecard261.jpg

A busy week, here, so let's just get straight to what we talk about this week...when we talk about consideration:

  • When did you first realize that consideration is a thing?
  • Was being considerate a thing stressed in your family. That is, were you taught to be considerate?
  • Have you ever worked in a job where consideration was highly important?
  • What about jobs where consideration wasn't important? (And if so, how did the job differ from those more geared toward serving others?)
  • Who is the most considerate person you know?
  • Who is the least considerate person you know?
  • Can someone be TOO considerate?
  • Share a story of considerate Shawn, and I'll share one about considerate Christopher.
  • Share a story about inconsiderate Shawn, and I'll share one about inconsiderate Christopher.
  • Are we less considerate as a society than we once were?
  • Do you think the current administration in the United States has affected consideration?
  • Do you think we will get more (or less considerate) in the future?

Direct download: migs261.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 11:54am CDT

Ho ho ho, and happy birthday! It's Hanukkah-time in Gift City, so stock up for Administrative Professionals' Day! What? You didn't get the biggest teddy bear on the planet for your loved on on Valentine's Day? What kind of monster are you?! You better be ready for deep mattress price reductions come Labor Day. Shop, shop, shop...why, just since beginning to type this, marketers have created three new holidays that come with an expectation of gift-giving.

Guess what the Gorillamen are talking about this week? It's our gift to you...

* * *

We begin with the first gifts we ever received...and the first gifts we ever gave. After that, find out if we like receiving gifts -- and if we're good at giving gifts.

We spend a moment wondering if there are too many gift-giving holidays in the U.S. before discussing the go-to gifts or methods we use when having to buy gifts for people we don't know very well.

And then we talk about all this:

  • What’s the best gift you’ve ever gotten?
  • The most useful?
  • What’s the best gift you’ve ever given someone?
  • The worst you’ve received?
  • The worst you’ve given?

Direct download: migs260.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 8:51am CDT

Stacked rifles - Last Seen...Talking About WeaponsWhether we like it or not, weapons shaped human life on the planet. Today, they are big business. At least in the United States, we see weapons from the start: in movies, cartoons, and even in stores.

So the Gorillamen decided to pull up a couple chairs and talk about weapons this week.

* * *

We begin with the first weapons we remember...and the weapons we regularly feared as children.

After that, find out if we own any weapons -- and our favorite (and coolest) weapons we've ever used.

Because we're geeks, we dedicate some time to the best (and worst) fictional weapons...and then get serious when we discuss the weapon that most frightens us.

We talk about where we stand on gun control and American's fascination with weaponry. We also chat about what it says about a society that spends so much on weapons...and then wrap it all up with the future of weaponry.

Direct download: migs259.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 10:01am CDT

A God damned mime! - Last Seen...Being DramaticPerhaps you like theater. (Maybe you've even performed in a theater company.) Or...perhaps your family argues all the time and pumps passive aggressiveness through their veins.

Drama comes in many forms...

It's also the topic of this week's episode of Men in Gorilla Suits!

* * *

We begin with our first encounter of drama in any form. After that, we chat about the periods in our lives that saw the most drama (external to us).

Find out if we enjoy or even cause drama...and where we encounter the most drama these days. We also talk about the most exhausting person we know in terms of causing drama. (Gorilla Shawn's answer: "Friggin' Christopher!" Gorilla Christopher's answer: "Damn Kupfer!")

We devote a bit of time to the best -- and worst -- uses of drama in popular entertainment.

Rounding the last turn, we talk about the dumbest thing about which we've seen someone cause drama. And, in the homestretch, we answer this question: is the internet/technology making us more or less dramatic?

* * *

Photo by Fatih Kılıç.

Direct download: migs258.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 3:26pm CDT

Construction crew - Last Seen...Talking about DevelopmentIt's likely more than a few people listening to this episode will listen while stuck in traffic.

There's a fine line between developing an area to make it appealing and dealing with the rush that comes once that area is deemed the place to be.

This week, we're talking all and development.

* * *

We begin with when we first realized construction was a thing. After that, we talk about losing places special to us to development.

Nostalgia has an effect on the way many view development...we devote some time to that. We also chat about how growing populations affect the way we build things -- and how that construction can enhance lives.

Find out if we prefer developed or undeveloped areas...and if either Gorillamen have ever worked jobs in construction.

We chat about those wanting to build on protected lands like National Parks...and if it's possible to develop an area while keeping its natural appeal and ecosystem intact.

We discuss urban sprawl for a bit, going as far as speculating the limits of growth where we live.

And we wrap it all up with the future of construction.

Direct download: migs257.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 6:56am CDT

Bigfoot Riding Nessie - Men in Gorilla Suits 256: Last Seen...Talking about Cryptids.It's time to reveal the truth: you've not been listening to Christopher Gronlund and Shawn Kupfer all these've been listening to The Skunk Ape of North Texas and the Mothman of Richardson, Texas.

The Gorillamen are cryptids.

Now that our secret is out, who knows how long it will be before they come for us...

<sad cryptids>

* * *

We kick off this week with the first time we ever heard about cryptids, and follow up with the first time we realized people studied these things.

Find out if we've ever believed in legendary beings and, if so, which ones?

After that, we talk about the coolest -- and lamest -- cryptids out well as ones we wish were real.

We chat a bit about if either of us watch cryptid hunting shows (and which ones...and why), and then discuss the cryptid legend we'd create were we so inclined.

We babble about the best cryptid in pop culture...and then why some believe in cryptids, while others find them fake.

And we wrap it all up with the future of cryptozoology.

Direct download: migs256.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 8:44pm CDT

Shawn and Christopher as Egyptian Gods - Last Seen…Talking about PaleontologyThey are podcasters found in strata, fossils of a bygone era when people posted on the Interwebs series of tubes to be heard by 12 people. That was podcasting c. 2018.

The fossil record shows two enlarged skulls surrounded by microphones. Analysis determines two males 9 years apart. But when factoring in audible records, the younger of the two repeatedly claimed he looked older than the one called Old Man Christopher. (Some speculated Gorilla Shawn was a wizard.)

Records indicate that c. 2018 was the year people determined Young Old Man Shawn transformed from a sea captain look to that of Ivy League anthropology professor.

Their organs stuffed in jars determine two small and one medium to large size dog chewed on what once made them work, but enzyme samples show they regurgitated the organs, smart canines they were. Their podcast was their pyramids, two bespectacled gentlemen hoping the sands of time would hear what they had to say.

But they were no forgotten Ozymandiuses; in fact, we -- representatives from Planet Bolvoid-2-5872, in the year 5279 -- determined that when they released their 300th episode of The Gorillas in Man Suits Last Seen on Earth, that they arose to the status of audio gods.

So it is with great pleasure that we study their tiny bones -- especially their...well, you-know-what bones (huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh), and learn all we can about the two who had the courage to cast the pods and be heard by a people...

* * *

We kick it off with our earliest memories of archaeology, and quickly discuss if we ever wanted to be archaeologists.

Find out if we have met, or are friends with, any archaeologists. After that, we talk about metal detectors...mostly so Christopher can gush about the TV show, Detectorists! (Seriously, it!) Sticking to that point, find out if we've ever found signs of human life no one else knew about. (Oh, and at this point...we find out Christopher has found three separate couples screwing in the woods. He failed to mention that he once found out he was in a room where two people on the floor quietly knocked boots! A story for another episode, perhaps.)

Next, we talk about the best big-time archaeology finds we've seen in person...and the best low-key finds. We chat about if we think archaeologists defile the dead and whether or not we think technology ruins (0r enhances) the search for lost civilizations.

We talk about fiction...specifically, the story we most love featuring an archaeologist or archaeological find. And then we babble a bit about what we consider the greatest (or simply: most favorite) archaeological find.

And we close it all out with the future of archaeology!

And seriously, Detectorists!

Direct download: migs255.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 8:02pm CDT

Dinosaur skull - Last Seen...Talking about PaleontologyThe Gorillamen are prophets. They do an episode about paleontology (Gorilla Shawn, recording in a fever dream), and BOOM! -- without their knowledge, it's International Dinosaur Month. New dinosaurs are discovered (including an image of an ass-eating dino in the thumbnail)! Clearly, we are power-wielding apes!

Also, we're dinosaur geeks, so it's about time we talked about big lizards in our backyard...

* * *

We kick it off with our earliest memories about dinosaurs or the study of paleontology. After that, we talk about if either of us ever considered a career in Dinosaur Arts and Education.

Find out if we know any actual paleontologists...and if we've ever been near a dig -- even a fake one. Then we move on to our schooling...and how teachers discussed paleontology (in Texas and outside of Texas -- because wow, what a difference other states make). Also find out the coolest dinosaur fossils we've seen in person; the fossils we deem best in the world, and our favorite dinosaurs.

Speaking of favorites, we chat a bit about our favorite fictional paleontologists before moving on to why the study of paleontology is important.

And we wrap it all up with the future of paleontology.

* * *

Photo: Brett Meliti.

Direct download: migs254.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 8:10pm CDT

Our shit-ass president, the orange scourge! -- Last Seen…Telling Lies – MiGS 251This is our last episode!

(That's a lie!)

We are "rebranding" to all-Trump, all the time podcast!

(That's a lie, too!)

We're liars, all right!

So...listen to us talk about lying for twelve hours!

(Or maybe an hour and change...)

(Damn Gorillamen liarheads! PANTS ON FIRE!!!)

(HATE those guys!)

Oh, but this is not a've heard us mention Curtis Hart many times on the show...perhaps, most notably, on the religion episode.

Well...his mighty-assed son had a medical setback. And, if it's in your heart to help out, you can...

On to the show...

* * *

We start with the first lies we remember hearing...and the first lies we ever told. After that, we go there: "Were you ever a habitual liar?" (Oh, sad, sad thing...) And then, find out the most outrageous lies we ever told.

But the past is the past: find out if we still lie today? (And why we might have stopped.)

We chat about why we think people lie...before talking about if we've ever been manipulated by lies. (Oh, poor, dear lad. Holy shit, that is TRAGIC!!!)

Hey, it's the day Cohen turned on Trump and Monafort went down on eight guilty counts (with more to [probably] come). dangerous is it having a president who lies daily? (Yeah, we go there!)

After talking about the Circus-Peanut-Colored shit-lord of a president, we ask this simple question: Is it ever okay to lie?

Like it or not, there's a line between tiny lies many tell and BIG lies. We discuss where that line is, and then ask if society conditions people to lie...even a little bit.

And we wrap it all up with what advice we'd give to someone who lies a lot...

(Share YOUR lies in the comments below...)

(We believe you...)

Direct download: migs251.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 10:11pm CDT

Toy dinosaur head - Last Seen…Babbling – MiGS 250bBefore recording the Cruelty episode, the Gorillamen babbled as they often do.

In the past, when we've shared our more general pre-recording discussions, some people have liked listening in.'s a mini episode instead of the usual between-weeks Classic episode...

* * *

Photo by Umanoide.

Direct download: migs250b.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 12:17pm CDT

Medieval torture -- Last Seen…Being Cruel – MiGS 250In honor of our 250th episode of Men in Gorilla Suits, we get happy...and talk about cruelty.

Of course, we try making the show fun -- and it's still a bit lighthearted for such a potentially dark topic -- but much of the humor comes from acknowledging what a dark subject it is this time around.

But hey, you get to find out the cruelest things the Gorillamen have done to other people, and we do address ways of dealing with and preventing cruelty. So there's that...

Obviously, this episode also gets a bit political...'cause, ya know...separating kids from their parents and not reuniting them is cruel.

You've been warned...

* * *

We kick it all off with the first time somebody did something cruel to us. Then we move on to whether or not we've ever done anything cruel to someone else...and why. (Please don't fear us!)

After all that, we chat about the cruelest things we've seen lately, and answer this question: is cruelty on the rise?

We talk about the Internet's role in modern cruelty -- and if cruelty and stupidity are linked.

We get a little more chipper when talking about the least cruel people we know, so there's that. And then we discuss why cruelty is more heinous than ordinary meanness.

And we wrap it all up with these two questions:

  • Is cruelty damaging us?
  • How do we fight cruelty?

But seriously, as dismal as the topic for our 250th episode is, it still has some very funny moments. Also, as we hit a fairly big milestone with this episode, if all you've ever listened to is this episode and are then like, "Fuck those gorilla guys -- they suck!" thank you for your time. Many podcasts never see episode 25, so we appreciate anyone who's listened to any of our 250 episodes...

Direct download: migs250.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 8:27am CDT

Man relaxing in a hammock - Last Seen…Relaxing – MiGS 247Breathe in...

Breathe out...


Do you feel relaxed?

Maybe nature is your thing. Or perhaps it's a Netflix binge.

The Gorillamen are laid back enough that we're not going to tell you how to relax.

(But if you wanted to kick back and listen to this episode while stretched out on the couch or something, we would not be opposed...)

* * *

We kick it off with the first time we were aware of this concept called relaxing. After that, we talk about how we go about relaxing -- and the last time we really relaxed.

Find out how important relaxing is to us before we piss on a popular Internet meme: that which claims nature is as effective -- or better -- than antidepressants.

We chat about if we believe people have a harder time relaxing now vs. a few decades ago...and why we hold those beliefs. And why not talk about the role recreational drugs and alcohol play in in relaxing for many people?

Going back to an earlier point, we discuss if there's anything wrong with those needing prescription medication in order to relax. Also: the role technology plays in people relaxing...or not relaxing.

We talk a bit about meditation and if one can relax too much.

And we wrap it all up 50 years in the future, speculating if we think people will be more (or less) relaxed.


Direct download: migs247.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 6:53am CDT

Hand holding old photos - Last Seen…Talking about Family History – MiGS 246If the sons of the fathers are responsible for righting the sins of those fathers, Shawn slipped and Christopher did a fine job. Granted, Christopher's father was a wreck in many ways, and Shawn's father is so without sin that he might be Jesus (with muscles).

Both Gorillamen have done well by their ancestors if one decided to try quantifying it all. Need proof?

This week, we're talking about our family histories...

* * *

We kick it off talking about the first things we ever learned about our family histories -- and how we learned about family when we were kids. After that, we discuss how far back in history we can trace our families.

Find out the last time we discovered something shocking, funny, and terrible about our families...and then which side of our families is more interesting -- and dark.

We chat about our favorite deceased family members before discussing what kind of history we're each adding to our family names.

And we wrap it all up by talking about who the Endling is in each of our family lines.

Direct download: migs246.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 9:39pm CDT

Wrestling masks - Last Seen…Talking About Professional Wrestling – MiGS Ep. 243"TONIGHT, SHAWN-DAWG AND OGRE DEFEND THEIR TAG-TEAM PODCASTING CHAMPIONSHIP VS. ... well ... uhm ... HEY! They bought those cheesy belts at a Halloween store, and there's no such thing as the Tag-team podcasting championship! I told you wrestling was fake!"

Ah, professional wrestling -- with its history of terrible stereotypes and hokey gimmicks; its fake punches and scripted outcomes. The costumes, the characters, and all that comes with it.

But the Gorillamen maintain there is also a certain beauty to even Shockmaster's infamous debut.

So step into the squared-circle as we chat about professional wrestling this week...

* * *

We kick it off in the past, discussing the first times we ever saw professional wrestling. After that, find out if we still watch wrestling regularly.

We get through our lists of favorite professional wrestlers before discussing THE question: Is professional wrestling fake?

Then we talk about live matches we've seen -- and if we ever wanted to become wrestlers.

We chat about the appeal of professional wrestling, and then move on to professional wrestlers we've met.

Hardcore wrestling is quite a...thing. We discuss our thoughts on what compels people to willingly be put through flaming tables covered in barbed wire...and then we talk about the pressures put on professional wrestlers by the promotions they perform for.

And we wrap it all up with our favorite things about professional wrestling...and what the future holds for it all.

Direct download: migs243.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 12:03pm CDT

Man wearing virtual reality headset - Last Seen…Talking About Virtual Realities – MiGS Ep. 242There are people who believe our reality is that we are all part of a computer simulation.

Futurists say that's not true, but that we will one day soon live in virtual worlds of our own devising.

Others say that any kind of virtual realities will never happen because we all look silly with big headsets strapped to our faces.

We can argue about these points, but one thing's certain: with recent leaps in virtual and augmented realities, big changes to technology are coming -- and that's what we're talking about on this week's episode of Men in Gorilla Suits. (Okay, so it's really about virtual reality, virtual worlds of games, augmented realities, and data modeling...)

* * *

We begin with our first experiences with virtual reality, and then talk about if we've ever modeled things before building them. Also: find out the last form of virtual and augmented realities we've used.

After that we discuss the best -- and worst -- virtual environments we've ever experienced. Getting personal, we chat about the most complex things -- and the dumbest things -- we've ever modeled before construction.

We talk about augmented reality's use in games like Pokemon Go and Ingress. Next, we devote some time to ways virtual reality, augmented reality, and data modeling are not being used in ways we'd like to see.

Find out what our ultimate virtual reality/augmented reality games would be like...and we wrap it up with the future of virtual and augmented realities.

Direct download: migs242.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 12:07pm CDT

No audio intro today, kids, as your old pal Shawn JUST finished renovating his bathroom and is making no verbal sense right now.

Scars? Oh yes, I have scars.

*Blaze of Glory plays*

I remember this episode was fun, although I remember starting it with a regrettable "Who the fuck is you?"

Anywho, enjoy this classic episode. Back next week with a new one.

*Blaze of Glory cuts off*

Direct download: migs52_classic.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 1:36am CDT

Fixes fighting - Last Seen…Arguing – MiGS Ep. 241Go online, and you'll see people arguing about things.

Sit around in public long enough, and you'll see people arguing.

Hell, many people grew up with parents and other family arguing.

Sometimes it's arguing decent points, but other times it's just tense humans yelling at each other for the sake of yelling.

This week, we're all about arguing...don't tell us we're wrong!

* * *

We kick it off with the first arguments we remember hearing and then talk about the last arguments we've had.

Find out if we like arguing, if we argue well when we do argue, and if we think arguing is healthy.

We chat about why some people seem to love arguing so much -- and if it's important to learn how to argue well.

We devote a bit of time to whether or not we've changed anyone's mind in arguments, and how we feel about the Internet as a place to argue points.

We also discuss the role of emotions in arguing, and wrap it all up with advice we'd give to someone who has become fatigued by arguing so much.

You better not tell us why we're wrong in the comments!

Direct download: migs241.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 10:38am CDT

Last Seen…Talking About Appearances – MiGS Ep. 240Look in the mirror and what do you see? Sure, there you are, but do you like what's reflected back at you?

Do you sometimes think about ways to improve your appearance?

It's hard not to look anywhere, really, and not think about appearance: magazines, commercials, and the shows and movies we watch often assault us with the mantra that we are nothing, unless we look as slick as these perfect people. (Who probably also have image issues.)

This episode ran much longer than our typical episode. We like to think much of it is funny, but at times it gets deeper, and we reveal things about the way we see ourselves that we've not talked about in 239 episodes. Hell, just the enthusiasm with which this episode was recorded leans toward a certain kind of appearance.

So sit back and enjoy knowing you're not alone when looking at mirrors...

* * *

We kick it off by discussing the first time we were conscious of our appearance...and what made us aware that appearance was even a thing. After that, we talk about if we've ever been obsessed with our appearances...and ways we've presented ourselves to others. Also: find out if we ever cultivated an appearance.

We devote some time to whether or not our families were ever concerned with keeping up appearances...and if we are concerned with appearances as adults.

We chat about how much time we devote toward our physical appearances -- and if it's even a concern for us to look good.

Next, we hone in on the one word we'd use to describe out appearances. Better than that: find out how we'd describe each other to a police sketch artist!

We share if the appearances we present to the world are accurate of who we are and, if not, how much it differs. Sticking along those lines, we chat about if most people we know are honest in the image they present to the world, or if they hide behind things they are not. Find out if we think presenting an image is damaging.

And we wrap it all up with the most important question one can ask: Beards...why?!

* * *

And just so you can appreciate the scarf the guy is wearing in this week's episode image, here's a bigger version.

(Dude's definitely got style!)

Man wearing a wool coat, a great scarf, and a knit winter hat.

Direct download: migs240.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 12:12pm CDT

Marijuana plant - Last Seen…Talking about Marijuana – MiGS Ep. 237

First: Today marks exactly five years since we loaded the first episode of Men in Gorilla Suits.

Now, on to this week's episode...

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Duuuuuu-- Duuuuuuuuuuuude, is that pizza?

This week, we're talking about marijuana.

(And just because Christopher mentions the tune, there's this:)

* * *

We kick off this week's episode talking about when we first became aware of marijuana. After that, we discuss if we've ever gotten high, the last time we got high, and our experiences with weed.

Find out if either of us ever sold marijuana, a then listen to us talk about if we're for legalization (and why...or why not). We discuss medical marijuana and miraculous claims about the plant. We also devote a little time to people we know who have changed their views about marijuana over the years.

Weed has reputed claims of making creative people even more creative. We talk about that and if we've ever used marijuana in a creative manner. As we near the end of this episode, we discuss our favorite pop culture references to marijuana...and we wrap it all up with the future of weed.

Direct download: migs237.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 7:10am CDT

Doctor holding an X-ray - Last Seen…Talking about Healthcare – MiGS Ep. 236We're trying to think of something funny to say about healthcare in the United States, but it's really a situation of being so sad one can cry. Even those with coverage and savings are one serious incident away from bankruptcy. Just thinking about it can be unhealthy.

Still, somewhere along the way in this week's episode, we did crack a joke or two.

If you have been through it, prepare to nod your head and say, "Yup...been there..." And if you're from one of the Western countries that provides a better semblance of healthcare (or fortunate to come from a country that provides great healthcare), prepare to be horrified...

* * *

We begin in a time we were wee laddies first going to the hospital. Find out why...and also find out if we had healthcare throughout the entirety of tax year 2017.

After that, we talk about working in healthcare...and if we'd ever do it again. Then it's on to our worst -- and best -- experiences with the U.S. healthcare industry.

We devote some time to how we'd like to see the U.S. healthcare system change, and get a bit philosophical about if we think people have a right to healthcare. Along those lines, we chat about if healthcare should be completely free, and who has the best -- and worst -- healthcare systems on the planet.

And we wrap it all up by chatting about the future of healthcare in America...and the world.

Direct download: migs236.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 6:27am CDT