Men in Gorilla Suits (general)

You know that thing we did last week? We also did something similar three and a half years ago.

I know. It's like some Matrix shit.

Direct download: migs138_class.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:41pm CDT

Sometimes we go places. In the past, we went places.

This is about that.

Direct download: migs34_classic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:24pm CDT

I am so, so extremely sorry.

Please try to remain courageous in the face of this abomination, this second episode of Men in Gorilla Suits.

Actually, I haven't listened yet. It might be great.

Spoiler alert: It isn't.

Direct download: migs02_classic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:07pm CDT

Christopher and Shawn Obama-like HOPE poster.

Gorilla Christopher hoped to have this episode online yesterday, but he was tired and decided a busy week merited sleep, instead.

Here's what the gorillamen are talking about this week:

  • What is the first thing you remember hoping for?
  • What is your latest hope?
  • What does hope mean to you?
  • How important is hope to human existence?
  • Share a story of hope. (Could be yours, another person's, or even a universal hope of some sort).
  • Is hope a strong motivator in your life?
  • Is all hope inherently good?
  • Have you ever hoped for something bad?
  • Can hoping too much have a negative effect on a person?
  • When your hopes are not met, how do you react?
  • Obama won, in part, on a message of hope after what was seen as a dark time for the U.S. Is hope enough to win in 2020?
  • What is your hope for the future?

Direct download: migs263.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:33am CDT

OOOH, look at me, I'm not working 97 hours a week!


Direct download: migs127_classic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:38pm CDT

Y'all know me. You know how I make a living. I'll find your mess for you, but it ain't gonna be easy. Bad mess. Not like goin' down to the basement and chasin' tax returns and odd socks. No movin’, no organizin’, down you go. And we gotta do it quick, that’ll bring back your family, put all your surfaces on a cleanin’ basis. But it’s not gonna be pleasant. I value my neck a lot more than three thousand bucks, chief. 

Direct download: migs94_classic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:25pm CDT

Hey, man. We get it. Sometimes the world feels like staring at a wall. Maybe this'll help you be less bored for an hour.

Direct download: migs169_classic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:38pm CDT

So we're a day late and short some vocals today, because Shawn's internet decided to crap out for 40-odd hours. Normally, that wouldn't throw too much of a wrench into things, but Shawn is shorter on time during this part of the year... because he does a lot of volunteering.

As it is today, so too was it when this classic episode was recorded, over 50 years ago.

I have no concept of time.

Direct download: migs159_classic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:42pm CDT

This one's from way back in the day, and it's something I've been kind of thinking about lately as my days blur more and more together.

Fuck it. I dunno. Classic Episode, yo.

Direct download: migs49_classic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:18pm CDT


We just fucking never learn, do we?

Direct download: migs40_classic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:11pm CDT