Men in Gorilla Suits

Lightning strike. Last Seen...Talking about the Weather.

It is currently 53 degrees with mostly clear skies in the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex. Weekend lows will be in the 30s, with afternoon temperatures reaching 60 by Sunday afternoon. A perfect weekend for getting out and about!

This week, we're talking about the weather...specifically:

  • What’s the first weather event you remember?
  • What’s your ideal weather situation?
  • What’s the most extreme weather situation you’ve lived through?
  • What’s the scariest type of weather on the planet?
  • What’s the worst type of weather, in your opinion?
  • Is climate change a thing?
  • Is weather a consideration in where you choose to live, or not to live as the case might be?
  • Are you a weather-centric person? Does it affect your moods?
  • What’s the future of weather on this planet?

Direct download: migs262.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 11:41am CDT