Men in Gorilla Suits

Doctor holding an X-ray - Last Seen…Talking about Healthcare – MiGS Ep. 236We're trying to think of something funny to say about healthcare in the United States, but it's really a situation of being so sad one can cry. Even those with coverage and savings are one serious incident away from bankruptcy. Just thinking about it can be unhealthy.

Still, somewhere along the way in this week's episode, we did crack a joke or two.

If you have been through it, prepare to nod your head and say, "Yup...been there..." And if you're from one of the Western countries that provides a better semblance of healthcare (or fortunate to come from a country that provides great healthcare), prepare to be horrified...

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We begin in a time we were wee laddies first going to the hospital. Find out why...and also find out if we had healthcare throughout the entirety of tax year 2017.

After that, we talk about working in healthcare...and if we'd ever do it again. Then it's on to our worst -- and best -- experiences with the U.S. healthcare industry.

We devote some time to how we'd like to see the U.S. healthcare system change, and get a bit philosophical about if we think people have a right to healthcare. Along those lines, we chat about if healthcare should be completely free, and who has the best -- and worst -- healthcare systems on the planet.

And we wrap it all up by chatting about the future of healthcare in America...and the world.

Direct download: migs236.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 6:27am CDT