Men in Gorilla Suits

Spiral windowThere is design to this page. There is design in most things you interacted with today...probably without your recognition.

Whether it's advertising or truly functional user experience; the place you live, or even your thoughts...many people put great effort into influencing others with design.

Hell, some people do it all simply for the sake of design.

This week, we're all about the D!

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We begin with our earliest memories of people putting in an extra effort into this thing called design. After that, we chat about how aware we were of the effort put into everyday design. (Shawn's epiphany in and Arby's is rather beautiful!)

We chat about whether or not we've designed cool things...and what those things might be.

How does design affect mood? We talk about well as how environment and upbringing affect design.

We get all hypothetical and chat about if we could be a designer of any sort...what we'd make. Then we talk about our favorite designers and what they've done.

How important is technology to design -- we chat about that! We also chat about how important design is to advertising. (Spoiler: it DRIVES advertising in every way!)

Some people love what they know. Are some designs so sacred that we should never alter them? We talk about that before wrapping it all up with the future of design...

These show notes are designed to filter down to driving people to a call to action in the comments. We understand that there's enough going on in our lives that commenting on a podcast blog is a thing of the past, but if you are so inclined...we will listen!

Direct download: migs221.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 7:36pm CDT