Men in Gorilla Suits
Men in Gorilla Suits Ep. 204: Last Seen…Telling the Truth

Torn "Truth" poster - Men in Gorilla Suits Ep. 204: Last Seen…Telling the TruthIt's easy to say, "Nobody's honest anymore!" but were we ever honest to begin with? Or has, perhaps, the ability to research fact from fiction made us more honest?

Why people tell the truth -- or lie -- is this week's topic.

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We begin back in the past, when we first became aware of truth and lies. Find out if we were honest or liars as children...and how we fare as adults. We also devote some time to whether or not the people we know (or whom we're even close to) tell the truth.

Truth in media has become a hot topic of many conversations. Does truth in media exist anymore? Also: has truth always been nebulous, or is that a recent development?

Then we get a bit deeper and talk about whether it's even possible to know the truth about anything at all.

Do people in power sometimes have to lie? We devote some time to that before moving on to whether or not there is a Real Ultimate Truth™ in the universe.

And we wrap it up by discussing if there will ever be a time humans are truthful...or if some form of lying will always be with us...

Direct download: migs204.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 2:28pm CDT