Men in Gorilla Suits
Men in Gorilla Suits Ep. 182: Last Seen…Playing Board Games

"Men In Gorilla Suits" spelled out on Scrabble tiles - Men in Gorilla Suits Ep. 182: Last Seen…Playing Board GamesThere are many things in life where strategy and luck come together, but few things living up to that description are as loved as board games.

In ancient times all the way up to right now; played in the dirt or on special tables made for board games -- humans love board games...and the Gorillamen are no different. In fact, this is one of those episodes that made us think, "It took us this long to get to this topic?"

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We begin by going back in time and kicking it all off talking about the first board games we remember. After that, we discuss our favorite board games back then -- and if we still play board games with any regularity today.

Find out what the last board game we've each played was...and why we think board games have such a huge appeal.

We run through lists of our favorite board games, and then dedicate a bit of time to what a Men in Gorilla Suits board game might be like.

Is there a certain kind of mind that's most appealed to playing -- and even making -- board games? And do we see a difference between board games, war games, and table top role playing games - or are they all the same to us?

We chat about our favorite board game memories (Christopher made a grown man cry) and how technology has influenced modern board games...before wrapping it all up by talking about the future of board games.

Do not pass go or collect $200 until leaving a comment about your favorite board games below.

Direct download: migs182.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 1:13pm CDT