Men in Gorilla Suits
Men in Gorilla Suits Ep. 179: Last Seen…Being Responsible

Man tightening his tie - Men in Gorilla Suits Ep. 179: Last Seen…Being ResponsibleFor many of us it came with chores. Others, with school. Later, it carried over to our first jobs...and then when we found ourselves out on our own.


What is seen as responsible to some is seen as taking on too much for others. In turn, some people look at a person making riches surfing or skateboarding and claim that person isn't responsible...because they aren't in an office job with standing. (Perhaps that's just jealousy that someone figured out a way to make millions doing what they love, while most people are stuck in jobs they'd not do were they independently wealthy.)

What constitutes responsibility is an interesting thing, so that's the topic for this week's episode of Men in Gorilla Suits.

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We begin by talking about our first responsibilities and then move on to when we actually became aware of this thing called responsibility.

Find out if we actively seek out responsibilities today...and if we consider ourselves responsible people. After that, we chat about whether or not we currently have a lot of responsibilities.

We devote some time to discussing the times in our lives when we were the least responsible -- and the most! Sticking to that thought, we get more specific and talk about the least responsible thing we've ever well as the most.

Perception can be a strange thing. We wrap up this episode discussing whether we think people see us as responsible adults or overgrown children...and whether or not those two things are mutually exclusive.

Feel free to do the responsible thing and leave a comment about this episode.

Direct download: migs179.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 7:41pm CDT