Men in Gorilla Suits
Men in Gorilla Suits Ep. 169: Last Seen…Being Bored

A bored individual - Men in Gorilla Suits Ep. 169: Last Seen…Being BoredBy Christopher's own admission, loading this episode will be one of the most boring tasks he completes this week. (Right up there with speaking of himself in third person!) From day jobs, to the times following them, people look to myriad things to alleviate boredom, succeeding to various degrees.

You could say boredom is our shadow, but is there a way to fight it?

Ho hum...this week, we talk about boredom...

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We kick it off talking about the first time we remember experiencing boredom -- as well as our most recent moments of boredom.

Find out what we did to alleviate boredom when young...and today.

We chat about how often we're bored today -- and whether or not it's more (or less) than when we were younger.

We also discuss whether or not one can be bored when they have a lot going on -- and also what always bores us...and what we find boring right now.

We know many bored people. Find out what advice we have for the bored masses in an effort to combat those feelings, as well as the most -- and least -- boring things we do in our lives.

We wrap it all up with this: does boredom ever lead to any good in people's lives?

If you're bored, we have a remedy for that: leave a comment and chat with us!

Direct download: migs169.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 8:21pm CDT