Men in Gorilla Suits

Calendar - Men in Gorilla Suits Ep. 225: Last Seen…Talking about AnniversariesThis is episode 225. Some people would celebrate that. Why? Because humans look for things to memorialize or celebrate.

We remember the dates we're born, as well as the dates that will live on in infamy. Good, bad, and everything in between -- if humans can connect something deemed important to a date or passage of time, it seems we will do so. And, to that end, we decided to make August 23, 2017 the first annual Men in Gorilla Suits podcast about anniversaries...

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We kick it all off talking about cake. Seriously. Our first memories of anniversaries coincidentally involve cake. And then we move on to whether or not work anniversaries mean much to us. Also: find out how long the Gorillamen have been with their wives -- and what we usually do for our anniversaries.

We chat a bit about if it's important to recognize anniversaries -- and if birthdays are important to us.

Some anniversaries are gloomy affairs; we talk a bit about if those kinds of dates are important to remember. But after the gloom, we move on to cheerier things: the strange anniversaries we recognize.

Men in Gorilla Suits started on February 7, 2013. Find out if the upcoming 5th anniversary of the show is an important thing to us. Then we jump over to how some dates of remembrance fall from favor...and why some people get uptight about that. To that point, we devote some time to wondering if there is a time we, as a society, will ever forget 9/11...and if even people a generation or two below us are wrong not to care so much.

And we close it all out with two things: wondering if there are any anniversaries we think should be celebrated...and what we'd love to celebrate in the future.

Direct download: migs225.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 12:01pm CDT