Men in Gorilla Suits
Men in Gorilla Suits Ep. 135: Last Watching True Crime TV

Earlier today, old-school wrestling legend, Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka was arrested for the 1983 death of his girlfriend. (Figured if we're providing a link about the story, it may as well be a TMZ link!) Soon, the story will be a thing on a variety of true-crime television shows.

True crime TV is so big, entire cable networks are dedicated to the stories behind the murders and capers. It doesn't matter if it's unknown people in a no-name town or a huge celebrity trial after a low-speed chase in a white Ford Bronco -- the viewing population has a hunger for crime stories.

So we decided to talk about it on this week's episode of Men in Gorilla Suits.

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We begin by talking about the first true crime TV shows (or "Murder Shows," as Shawn likes to call them), we remember watching. After that, we talk about the most recent murder show we've watched. (And it will become apparent why Shawn pitched this topic.)

Everybody needs a favorite murder show, right? We talk about our faves, and then we discuss if it's a problem that there are so many of these shows that an entire network can run them 24/7.

Then we get a little more specific and chat about the following crimes we've seen on these shows:

  • The most interesting murder tale.
  • The saddest murder tale.
  • The goofiest murder tale.
  • The biggest murder tale.

If you watch enough of these shows, patterns emerge. One such pattern is that more than a handful of Eagle Scouts have gone on to commit murders. We talk about why that might be -- and then move on to revealing if we've ever worried that our spouses might have thought about killing us for insurance money.

We wrap up the weeks episode talking about the show we wish would just go away.

Do you watch true crime television shows? If so, please share your thoughts in the comments.

Direct download: migs135.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 3:41pm CDT