Men in Gorilla Suits

Marijuana plant - Last Seen…Talking about Marijuana – MiGS Ep. 237

First: Today marks exactly five years since we loaded the first episode of Men in Gorilla Suits.

Now, on to this week's episode...

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Duuuuuu-- Duuuuuuuuuuuude, is that pizza?

This week, we're talking about marijuana.

(And just because Christopher mentions the tune, there's this:)

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We kick off this week's episode talking about when we first became aware of marijuana. After that, we discuss if we've ever gotten high, the last time we got high, and our experiences with weed.

Find out if either of us ever sold marijuana, a then listen to us talk about if we're for legalization (and why...or why not). We discuss medical marijuana and miraculous claims about the plant. We also devote a little time to people we know who have changed their views about marijuana over the years.

Weed has reputed claims of making creative people even more creative. We talk about that and if we've ever used marijuana in a creative manner. As we near the end of this episode, we discuss our favorite pop culture references to marijuana...and we wrap it all up with the future of weed.

Direct download: migs237.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 7:10am CDT