Men in Gorilla Suits

Very few people know Gorilla Shawn is a concert pianist and Gorilla Christopher is a chamber cellist. We are tops when it comes to our Mensa scores. Christopher swam the English Channel...under water, while holding his breath. Shawn can assemble furniture with his mind. Don't even get us started on our mad dance skills.

But still...we are the most talented gorillas you will ever meet, and we combine all our talents into the most important thing you will listen to this week: the two of us talking about...talent!

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We begin the episode discussing when we first realized some people were inherently better than others at certain tings...and then talk about when we first learned what talent was.

Find out if we were aware of our talents when we were younger and what we did to discover them. After that, we chat about the most talented people we knew growing up.

We devote a bit of time to talking about what we feel we're talented at doing -- and then discuss what we wish we were truly talented at doing. If that's not enough, we chat about the most talented person we know now...and who we think are the most popular celebrities.

We get a bit serious when the topic turns to wondering if society puts too much pressure on people to discover and use their talents...and we wrap it all up with this question: Are talents even important anymore?

Direct download: migs278.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 10:38am CDT